Chapter 8

 To create a poster with several guiding principles for optimizing the  physical space in an early childcare center and to evaluate your poster.     Scenario: You  are the director of a childcare center for infants and toddlers. You  have several novice teachers on your staff whose infant learning  environments do not align with NAEYC … Read more

Chapter 7 Scenario

 To list the essential elements of an ideal child care facility and to evaluate your list.    You have recently been promoted to be the director of the newest  location of a child care center chain. The board has asked you to  provide input as to what the facility should include as the building  committee … Read more

NCDCDEE Regulatory Assignment #5

  Access the most updated DCDEE rules on the DCDEE website and answer the following:  Child must be adequately supervised at all times.  Define adequate  supervision, including state requirements.  10A NCAC 09 .1801 During naptime for children aged 2 and older, where must the staff be located? 10A NCAC 09 .1801 Name 4 ways staff … Read more


2. Elaborate in detail the ethical positions arrived at by using the Kantian categorical imperative relative to the long-standing debate surrounding the death penalty or abortion. Argue the ethics from the point of view of the prisoner or from the fetus. Using the First Formulation of the Categorical Imperative, one could claim that the death … Read more


  Typed letter requesting consideration for the  CAGE (Cobb Anti-Gang Enforcement) liaison program and why you believe you should be selected. The purpose of the CAGE unit is to identify gangs, gang activity, and gang members

Sound Processing (Fourier Series)

 Share an engineering (or other) application of an infinite series.   Identify it in math notation, an image of a graph, or in a clear  explanation in the context of the application.  You do not need  to explain the entire topic, only identify the infinite series within  this application, and tell us some of what it helps … Read more

Engineering Applied Exercise Taylor Series

  But how did the calculator know it? In fact, we take modern computational conveniences for granted.  The  hand calculator (or the corresponding app) is a fantastic product of  engineering; and in this exercise, we’re going to apply one of the  techniques they use to calculate square roots: Taylor Series. SEE ATTACHMENT

Discussion 2

  As we reach the mid-point of LEAS 732, what two topics/issues of program planning and assessment have been the most “eye-opening”  or surprising to you?  Topics: Indirect Assessment              Need for improvement and Evaluation How do you think each of these will impact your current or future employment goals?