Discussion Questions:

Discussion Questions: Q1: Review and discuss how to develop interview questions. Q2: How do interview questions differ from research questions? Q3: Discuss validity and reliability in quantitative research. Q4: Describe how you will measure all of your variables in your proposal, including survey names and references, as well as how you know they are valid and reliable measures. Use … Read more


  Study without reflection is a waste of time, Reflection without study is dangerous.  —Confucius (Clark, 2011). Reflection of an experience, lesson learned, and/or importance of a role, demonstrates a clear understanding of process, comprehension, and expertise. To reflect requires an ability to consider lessons learned, personal connections, and next steps. As we come to … Read more


    Post a response detailing the following:  Construct one to two (1–2) questions for your colleagues detailing any questions or concerns you may have regarding the Personal Legislative Agenda. Your questions should clearly describe areas you may need clarification and/or guidance for the continuation of your work on the Personal Legislative Agenda. Using the … Read more


  Does a hospital have a different duty to an indigent person who comes to the emergency room than to a person who has insurance? Please explain your answer fully. Requirements: 250 

Prof Double R

  Purpose  This assignment provides an opportunity to develop, evaluate, and apply bivariate and multivariate linear regression models. Resources: Microsoft Excel® DAT5/65 Week 5 Data File Instructions:  The Excel file for this assignment contains a database with information about the tax assessment value assigned to medical office buildings in a city. The following is a list … Read more

Belt Road Initiative

What is the Belt Road Initiative in your opinion? What are some benefits of this initiative? Are there any drawbacks?  Here are the videos to watch down below:  What is the Belt and Road initiative? | CNBC Explains – YouTube    China’s One Belt One Road Could Make Or Break This Poor European Country (HBO) … Read more

business plan operation strategy/start up cost

   Describe the process of your business operation from the first moment it opens to when it closes. Customer touch points. How do you deal with customer issues? Returns? Reward loyal customers, etc. Include an operations flow chart Discuss potential suppliers Production or service delivery process- use graphs and charts to map Product/service returns process … Read more


  I found the BARS method to be very interesting in our readings this week and thought it would be a beneficial measurement tool. Interviews and situational simulations are also very helpful in indicating what someone is competent in. Would you look for anything specific in the interviews? I know I would value how one … Read more

Weekly Activity {Temperament Profile}

     -3 Temperament Profiles Explain characteristics of the three temperament profiles. You may use your textbook, chapter 3 PowerPoint, lesson resources, and/or your own outside resources (must be peer reviewed journal articles). Self – Identification Use the temperament rating scale to rate yourself for each of the nine temperament traits Once you have rated your temperament … Read more


 -Summarize the history of the national health policy pre-2010. What events have had the most impact? Discuss both positive and negative impacts.  – What effect has the Affordable Care Act had on the U.S. health care system? -Discuss the pros and cons of implementing national health insurance.  -Describe the major issues when debating health insurance policy. … Read more