
 a. Discuss the primary defining features of the person-centered approach. to define the concept of unconditional positive regard. b. What is the view of human nature from the person-centered approach?   References are needed

hello 5

This is the week to really see where technology and healthcare are connecting. Select ONE of the following trends and discuss your understanding of this trend in healthcare and its potential impact on your practice as a nurse. What are the legal, privacy, and ethical considerations of this trend? Topic- Robotics in Healthcare


Challenge of the week: Talk with a friend or family member who has known you for a long time and will be honest with you. Have them answer the following questions. What were your first impressions of me, or what type of first impression do others have of me? What does my face look like … Read more


What is the name of the company you chose? A company’s mission is a statement that explains the purpose for the company’s existence. Based on the information provided in the case study, what is the mission of your chosen company? Support your response with information from the case. A company’s values inform the methods it … Read more


 How should healthcare professionals proactively plan to update their knowledge and skills to respond to the major public health issues and challenges facing them and their clients? 

Synthesis of Literature

A. Synthesis of Literature related to Problem (Complete/Incomplete) For this section, you will review a minimum of five scholarly articles related to one of the gaps or area for growth you identified in Part 1.  Your review of the literature should include recent studies investigating potential interventions in similar or related settings as well as … Read more


I need help fixing the attached projects. All areas written in RED and those highlighted requires attention. I have also attached RUBRIC that should be used. Please follow these instructions. 1. The first project needs role to be changed from general RN to a DNP in a Clinic. Everything on this particular project need to … Read more

How to Unsend Message on Messenger?

If you sent something inappropriate to someone on facebook messenger and now you want to unsent it then, don’t worry, just follow these steps. Go to your messenger application Now, visit the thread where you want to unsend the message Tap on the message and hold your finger for a few seconds Then, an Unsend … Read more