Goal Statement

 I would like to create a goal statement for admissions into the specialist program at mercer university. It needs to the articulate my motivations for pursuing the program. It needs to include my experience as a 10-year elementary school teacher, teaching kindergarten for 6 years and 2nd grade for 4.5 years. It needs to include … Read more


Do you agree with the author’s position about listening? Do you think that listening is anative gift? Explain your answer. O 2. What do you think the author implies by “talented listening”. What do you think talent is in the first place? O 3. How can talent be trained? O 4. What do you think … Read more

clinical experience

Describe your clinical experience for this week. Did you face any challenges, any success? If so, what were they? Describe the assessment of a patient, detailing the signs and symptoms (S&S), assessment, plan of care, and at least 3 possible differential diagnosis with rationales. Mention the health promotion intervention for this patient. What did you … Read more

clinical experience ob/gyn

Describe your clinical experience for this week. Did you face any challenges, any success? If so, what were they? Describe the assessment of a patient, detailing the signs and symptoms (S&S), assessment, plan of care, and at least 3 possible differential diagnosis with rationales. Mention the health promotion intervention for this patient. What did you … Read more


Watch two videos and write about the two artists. How does their work relate to the world around us? What is interesting to you about their practice, or, what is your critique of their work?

Marketing case study- Andre Rieu

Please see intructions last minute need help – guidance. This is a journal entry      Criterion 1: Answer the Question. Demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the issues in the case that relate to the question. One way to do this is to think of yourself as a consultant who has been hired to address … Read more

Therage Pape

Define aging from biologic, sociologic, and psychological theories. Develop nursing interventions based on the psychosocial issues and biologic changes associated with older adulthood. Discuss several nursing implications for each of the major biologic, sociologic, and psychological theories of aging. Based on your experience what health promotion strategies would you recommend to facilitate successful aging?  


Describe and discuss the pathological conditions that might affect the sexual responses in older adults. How and why do you think Nutritional factors, psychological factors, drugs and complementary and alternative medications affect the immune system in older adults.

Week 2 Discussion- Sustainability

Based on the articles you have read for Week 2 (see Modules – Week 2), please specify and discuss four points on how sustainable tourism may contribute to a destination’s economic development and sustainable growth. Please refer to concepts from the readings (articles provided for Week 2) to support your points.  

Ethical Principles of Research

Create a power point presentation that you will be presenting to your site staff addressing an ethical issue that occurred or took place at your site.  TOPIC – Ethical Principles of Research  choose one of the topics below and follow the instructions provided: Autonomy Respect Beneficence Exploitation Fair Subject Selection Informed Consent