Unit 2 DB: Career Research and Exploration

 During this week, you will spend time researching careers more thoroughly. Use the O*NET Interest Profiler to begin your research. Share one or two careers that interest you the most. Explain why you are considering these as possible careers. What influenced you to choose these fields? Was it perhaps an experience or a person? What … Read more


 Post an analysis of how the social environment has contributed to Marcus’s psychological functioning. In what ways has trauma impacted Marcus’s daily functioning? Describe how you as the social worker would integrate elements of psychoeducation with Marcus and his family. How would you adapt psychoeducation for the cognitive level of the family member? 

Unit 2.2 DB: Policy Brief

 Leesa, a human services student, comes from a family of teachers and follows news about education closely. She recently read about incidents in which children whose parents/guardians have fallen behind on paying for their school lunches have been told, while in the meal line, that they cannot have any food. The public reaction is very … Read more


  Interview a nurse manager to explore the external factors that influence decision making such as health policy, regulatory requirements, accreditation, and health care financing   Provide an overview of the role of the nurse manager interviewed. Summarize the information from the interview (do not report the interview question by question) Perceptions related to impact … Read more


At this point in the semester, what kinds of emotions are you experiencing? Im experiencing anxiety, stress, overwhelmed  What have you learned about yourself? How are you managing work-school-life balance? What are at least two things you will realistically do before the end of the semester to take care of yourself?

see below

 The focus is on your ability to integrate your subjective and objective information gathering into formulation of diagnoses and development of patient-centered, evidence-based plans of care for patients of all ages with multiple, complex mental health conditions. At the end of this term, your SOAP notes will have demonstrated your knowledge of evidence-based practice, clinical … Read more

discussion 3 intro

   Post a response to the following: Choose one of the six core values in the NASW Code of Ethics (service, social justice, dignity and worth of the person, importance of human relationships, integrity, competence). Create and describe a specific scenario that demonstrates how a social worker would uphold that value when working with a … Read more