
Why are privacy and confidentiality important for your study participants? What are some ways to maintain and ensure privacy and confidentiality?  Cite the research guides to support your discussion. 


What are your thoughts on the ten principles of quantum leadership? How do they jive with your work as an assistant director of nursing at a long-term care facility? Is your organization of the quantum era or industrial age? How do the principles relate to the advanced practice nurse? Ten principles of quantum leadership:   … Read more


  Link 1: https://www.digitaltrends.com/cool-tech/amazon-prime-air-delivery-drones-history-progress/ Link 2: https://money.cnn.com/2017/06/23/technology/amazon-drone-beehives/index.html Link 3: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-south-asia-10713898    Link 4: https://www.military.com/equipment/drones

Analyze and apply critical thinking skills in the psychopathology of mental health patients and provide treatment and health promotion while applying evidence-based research.

  A 44-year-old white Australian man who was not religious was referred to outpatient psychiatric treatment. He had been playing with an Ouija board for two months when he started to believe that a spirit had entered his body through his rectum and was controlling him. He thought the spirit made him move and speak … Read more

Nursing Board

Much discussion takes place regarding nursing membership on boards of trustees of organizations and systems. Discussions often reflect the historical perception and relationship of nurses to the healthcare organization, a frame of reference that challenges notions of nurses at the governance table. Yet nurses are more than 60% of patient care providers in healthcare organizations, … Read more

Budget Cuts

Hide Folder InformationInstructions Local, state, and federal governments sometimes consider across-the-board budget cuts during difficult economic times. For this assignment, please complete the following: PART ONE Answer the following questions: Describe what is meant by across-the-board budget cuts. The author of the course text suggests that across-the-board budget cuts are poor fiscal policy? Why does … Read more


  2-1 Discussion: Identifying Scheduling Interruptions Previous Next Interruptions can cause big problems with your ability to accomplish tasks effectively and on time. Regardless of how focused you may be, there will always be interruptions to your work. In this discussion, you’ll need to identify some of the unplanned events or tasks that might interrupt … Read more


  Alcohol abuse continues to be the most serious drug problem on college campuses throughout the United States. Every year, drinking kills more than 1,700 students and injures about 500,000 more; it is also a factor in 600,000 assaults and 100,000 rapes on college campuses. Enzyme-mediated metabolic pathways break down the toxic ethanol in alcoholic … Read more

I need help

How do we measure democracy so that we know if a country has made such a transition (Week 1)? Beetham What are the main debates about democratic transitions (Week 2)?  Haggard and kaufan  How do authoritarian regimes survive (Week 3)? christian von Soest and Julia Gra What are the internal or domestic causes of democratic … Read more