How can custom logo animation enhance the user experience on Share your thoughts on the benefits of using custom logo animation to make a brand more memorable and engaging, and how it can contribute to a website’s overall visual appeal.

  <a href=””>custom logo animation </a> has the potential to greatly enhance the user experience on websites such as By incorporating animated elements into a logo, a brand can become more memorable and engaging for users. Custom logo animation can also help to convey a brand’s message and values in a more dynamic and … Read more


Review the article, 4 Healthcare Marketing Strategies to Create Better Patient Relationships. In what ways can creating better patient relationships provide a competitive advantage? Is creating better patient relationships a value-producing activity? Why or why not? link to article: 4 Healthcare Marketing Strategies to Create Better Patient Relationships

Develop the Intelligence Debriefing

  Your nation’s technical staff expects you to report on all summit events once you return to your nation’s capital. The CISO has requested that each analyst work independently to create an Intelligence Debriefing for technical staff. This debriefing is a comprehensive report and is comprised of your BCP, SITREP 1, SITREP 2, and SITREP 3. Each team … Read more

may ozone congnghiep Ecomax

  Máy ozone công nghiệp Ecomax là sự lựa chọn tối ưu Máy ozone công nghiệp Ecomax có các ưu điểm nổi bật như khử mùi, diệt khuẩn mau chóng. Bởi thế, nó rất cần cho thời điểm thực phẩm bẩn đang tràn lan trên thị phần. Dưới đây là những công dụng vượt bậc … Read more

Psychology Discussion

  First, for this class and all others in the program, you should only use professional sources. Doing a “Google” search and citing general websites is not appropriate for graduate-level or professional work. However, most of our clients and their families will use the “Google it” approach. For this assignment (this one only), I am asking … Read more

1. Has your company relied more on offensive or defensive strategies to achieve your rank in the industry? What options for being a first mover does your company have? Do any of these first-mover options hold competitive advantage potential?

   From our company’s perspective, we are currently holding a neutral position in the market competition. But at the same time, as our main strategy is selling at an average price for higher quality goods, it will be beneficial to have the first mover advantage. In order to do that, we need to increase our … Read more

Psychology research reflection

1. Does this study reflect basic or applied research? How do you know? 2. What level(s) of analysis (biological, psychological, environmental) are being employed in this study? Explain and identify the specific details of the study that show this. 3. What were the findings of previous research that led the researchers to do this study? … Read more


From the New Directions in Family Therapy section of the Learn section from Module 7: Week 7, select 2 of the following models addressed: Solution-Focused Therapy, Collaborative Therapy, or Narrative Therapy. Discuss at least 2 differences between the two therapies with some detail. Note that postmodernism is a way of thinking about therapies and systems, … Read more


1. What the hell is going on with the premiere US motorcycle maker? Please discuss the internal control considerations at Harley-Davidson.  (tip: has Harley achieved its business objectives? what are the internal control perspectives? what are internal control’s function when a corporation is experiencing major changes?) 2. How the Facebook scandal has impacted employees?


  Decision making is the process of identifying and choosing alternative courses of action. While we want to make rational decisions, sometimes we don’t. Sometimes, we make non-rational decisions. There are four steps in rational decision making: Recognize and define the problem or opportunity. In business, the problem can come in the form of customer … Read more