Topic, PICO Question, & Article

Choose a topic from the topic list on the attached instructions. Write a PICO question that relates to your topic. Find a quantitative nursing research article. Make sure that it is actually nursing research. You may not use any of the following: A retrospective study (exceptions as noted on worksheet) A mixed methods study A … Read more

evaluate one disease condition in the pediatric population and explore current evidence-based guidelines and treatments to determine a proper plan of care

Understanding disease conditions specific to pediatrics is vital to ensure proper and timely diagnosis and treatment to improve healthcare outcomes for the patient. The purpose of this assignment is to evaluate one disease condition in the pediatric population and explore current evidence-based guidelines and treatments to determine a proper plan of care.  Instructions: Please choose … Read more


 In place of your initial post for this final unit, create a PowerPoint presentation of 10-15 slides that provides an overview of your research project for other students in the class to read. Provide a brief paragraph introduction in your thread and attach the presentation. Look through and respond in a meaningful and positive manner … Read more

Edu 508 week 11 discussion

How has learning about educational research contributed to your own personal or professional goals? What skills have you learned in this class, and how will you use these lessons beyond this class? What can you apply from this class in your current or future work environment?

Sociological Research

  Sociologists are Social Scientists and, as scientists, emphasize the importance of conducting value-free Sociological research. What tools/methods/techniques do Sociologists use in order to engage in non-biased, value-free research? How do sociologists try to remove their personal biases?  In what ways can the scientific method help to ensure a value free perspective toward research?  

edu 508 week 9

  Please respond to the following: Identify and obtain a copy of a published research article, or another research report, on a topic of interest to you (Education). Based on the various guidelines and suggestions presented in Chapter 14 of Introduction to Educational Research, (i.e., conventions of style, conventions of format, and guidelines for presenting … Read more

Research Question

 Using the document linked below, form a research question and begin preliminary research in a narrowed topic within your subject area. As with all assignments, include an appropriate header, follow standard formatting conventions, and revise your work thoroughly. 

Market research- climate change

Subject: Market Research Instructions – Climate Change in Central America and the Dominican Republic  I am reaching out to request a market research report on climate change in Panama, Costa Rica, Guatemala, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Honduras, and Nicaragua. The report should include the following information: 1. **Current Situation:** Provide an overview of the … Read more