Business Intelligence discussion board

Compare and contrast predictive analytics with prescriptive and descriptive analytics. Use examples. Your response should be 250-300 words.  Respond to two postings provided by your classmates. There must be at least one APA formatted reference (and APA in-text citation) to support the thoughts in the post.  Do not use direct quotes, rather rephrase the author’s words and continue to use in-text … Read more


Please answer below in 650 word limit in APA format   1. Review the three articles about Inflation that are found below this.  2. Locate two JOURNAL articles which discuss this topic further. You need to focus on the Abstract, Introduction, Results, and Conclusion. For our purposes, you are not expected to fully understand the … Read more


 In response to your peers, evaluate their response and compare to yours, and discuss how your peers could have defined the impact to stakeholders, staff, and patients in a different manner. Provide feedback on where there might be gaps in their analysis as well as where you might have overlooked something too. 

Mobile Application Research Paper/Assignment

Assignment Find a research article – mobile technology is preferred, but any technology topic is acceptable. A research effort is usually placed in the context of a “business problem” that can be understood in terms of carefully designed research questions; this allows for maximum research, understanding, and participation in resolving the problem. Write a six-eight (6-8) page … Read more

☎️1-888-720-8856 Outlook mail Customer Care Number

 ☎️1-888-720-8856 Outlook mail Customer Care Number support to help you overcome them all. Errors in MS ☎️1-888-720-8856 Outlook mail Customer Care Number can lead to loss of important activities or slow communication. Now, with the help and support of Microsoft ☎️1-888-720-8856 Outlook mail Customer Care Number, you no longer have to suffer from slow programs. … Read more

☎️1-888-720-8856 Outlook Mail Helpline Number

 ☎️1-888-720-8856 Outlook Mail Helpline Number support to help you overcome them all. Errors in MS ☎️1-888-720-8856 Outlook Mail Helpline Number can lead to loss of important activities or slow communication. Now, with the help and support of Microsoft ☎️1-888-720-8856 Outlook Mail Helpline Number, you no longer have to suffer from slow programs  ☎️1-888-720-8856 Outlook Mail … Read more

☎️1-888-720-8856 Bellsouth Mail Helpline Number

 ☎️1-888-720-8856 Bellsouth Mail Helpline Number  to send and receive mail.Some of the key features include auto email completion,huge storage space,auto reply option along with signature feature. ☎️1-888-720-8856 Bellsouth Mail Helpline Number Nevertheless, everything is useless, as user may get struck some technical glitches liked with bellsouth email. To resolve the error user can get in … Read more

☎️1-888-720-8856 Bellsouth Customer Care Number USA

 ☎️1-888-720-8856 Bellsouth Customer Care Number USA email . It has been widely used by people for paying bills,posting queries and one of the fastest mode of communication to send and receive mail.Some of the key features include auto email completion,huge storage space,auto reply option along with signature feature. Nevertheless,☎️1-888-720-8856 Bellsouth Customer Care Number USA everything … Read more

☎️1-888-720-8856 AT&T Mail Helpline Number

  ☎️1-888-720-8856 AT&T Mail Helpline Number statement reveals an overcharge.Because there are so many different numbers. There are several different ways to get in touch with ☎️1-888-720-8856 AT&T Mail Helpline Number . So let’s talk about how to contact. They include:They suggest calling on ☎️1-888-720-8856 AT&T Mail Helpline Number website and other internet spaces.But, according … Read more