
Programming – Vital Skills for Now and the Future     Watch the video Video What Most Schools Don’t Teach and then share your thoughts on the need for today’s youth and society in general to learn how to code. How has the lack of programming skills affected today’s business world? Share a time in your own … Read more


CS 280 Fall 2022 Programming Assignment 2 November 3 rd, 2022 Due Date: Sunday, November 20, 2022, 23:59 Total Points: 20 In this programming assignment, you will be building a parser for a simple programming language. The syntax definitions of the small programming language are given below using EBNF notations. Your implementation of a parser … Read more


INSY 4315 Project 2   Create an HTML document that complies with the minimum requirements below:   Content Requirements   Create a home page with the following elements and settings: Set the background, font colors, and “theme” to match those used in lab assignment #1 using an external css file; inline styling should be used … Read more


Question: Create an array and calculate the numbers as described below. 1) Create an array varibale with size 5 2) Ask user to input elements/values for the array variable 3) Ask user to input a integer number to multiply with array elements that created above. 4) Pass the array and integer number to a function … Read more