Social Work 5

Perform a clinical intervention. As part of this clinical process of psychosocial intervention, and family and couple psychotherapy, develop a clinical conceptualization that encompasses, but is not limited to the following: o Identify the client system and collect basic screening information. o Use instruments or techniques of social work such as: interview, genogram, ecomaps and … Read more

PSYC520 Psychology And Christianity

Reflection Assignment Instructions Overview In this Reflection Assignment, you will provide a thoughtful discussion on the relationship between psychology and Christianity as you currently perceive it. In this course, you will encounter different ways that people perceive the relationship between psychological science and Christian faith. The purpose of this Reflection Assignmentis to allow you to … Read more

Psych Literature Review

Literature Review   The purpose of this assignment is to give students an opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge of APA writing style and their ability to write a coherent paper. Students also gain a couple of additional benefits from this assignment:   1.Less stress at the end of the semester: by writing the literature reviewnow, … Read more

400-500, APA Format

Detail one human growth and development theory and discuss its empirical support. Then read Defining Spiritual Development: A Missing Consideration for Student Affairs (Love & Talbot, 2009), and discuss research on spiritual development and how it could be connected to the other areas of development (physical, emotional, and social)

Week 1 Discussion

Initial Post Your initial post should read approximately 250 to 350 words in length and include at least one citation from the bibliography of your textbook chapter, with the accompanying reference in APA format. To receive the maximum points, your post should include a reference from the textbook, an article of your choosing, and one … Read more

Unit 4 Assignment: Investigating Attitudes Toward Age Groups

For this assignment, you are going to gather some data and discuss your results. Interview or survey 10 people and ask each person the first three terms or words that come to mind when they think of each of these age groups (so each interviewee will give you 12 words): Children Teenagers Middle-Aged Adults Senior Citizens … Read more

Week 5

Week 5   Instructions Understanding the average, most common, and middle responses are integral to recognizing both your sample and the larger population. You will now practice calculating measures of central tendency and making inferences from those calculations. As you work through this assignment, also think about what measures of central tendency might be relevant … Read more

Week One Neuroscience Phd

The history of biological psychology is in many ways the history of technical advances. Which three technological advances do you think were the most significant and why? Complete the following readings from your textbook: Freberg, L. (2019). Discovering Behavioral Neuroscience: An Introduction to Biological Psychology (4th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning, Inc. Chapter 1: What is Behavioral … Read more

Assessment 3

Write a 5-7 page paper and prepare two pages of speaker’s notes for a presentation to parents and professionals on a selected issue. Introduction Social and cultural factors inform childbirth decisions and approaches to childbirth, which in turn may affect health in infancy and later childhood. Your third assessment gives you the chance to apply … Read more