
Building Block Activities will vary from week to week but are designed to give you the opportunity to learn more about the topics we discuss in class. These activities may involve reading a scholarly article, reading a blog post, listening to a portion of a podcast, watching a short video, and so on, all related … Read more


Issues: Nursing homes – Inadequate staffing and mandatory overtimes   A thesis statement stating your opinion/conclusion on the issue, the supporting points you will offer and at least one relevant opposing view you will address. These are sources that provide evidence to support that your claim should be accepted by the reader. Scholarly sources are … Read more

Qualitative Data Sources And Data Collection Discussion

For each DQ elaborate within 260-300 words. Use in-text citations accordingly. Use scholarly reference(s) along with the one(s) attached as well. Use and cite references using APA 7th Style Guide accordingly. Doctoral level class.   DQ 1) Think again of the study on the influence of high school principals’ leadership styles and academic achievement in … Read more


4-1 (250-500 words with 2 references required) Describe three to five different ways in which a psychologist may achieve or maintain competence in a specific area of practice. Does supervision play a role in any of the ways you described? Explain. 4-2 (250-500 words with 2 references required) Dr. Belle is a licensed psychologist, who … Read more

Week 10 Personality Assignment

Assignment: Experiencing Personality Assessments and Applying to One’s Goals Descriptive (non-clinical) personality assessments are often used to better understand your personality traits and individual strengths and then apply that information to better understand yourself and/or guide your development. This week you will complete three of the following online personality tests similar in kind to the Myers-Briggs … Read more

Week 8 Ethical

This week I want to focus on your professional development. So the discussion is intended for your future self who is a newly licensed clinical professional. Yes you! To respond to the questions consult the following material. (Click on the links to access the worksheet.) Assume you are a licensed therapist in the field and … Read more

‘Governments Should Legalize The Recreational Use Of Small Amounts Of Marijuana Rather Than Criminalize Or Decriminalize It.’”

Topic and Matrix for 5th Short Group Writing Assignment, MODR 1730   Topic: 5th Short Group Writing Assignment, due any time during Weeks 12-13 but no later than the end of the Week 13, i.e., Friday, August 5, 11:59:59, and worth 20% of final grade: “In one paragraph (half an 8.5 x 11” page, single-spaced … Read more

Research Methods And Statistics In Psychology I

Discussion: Reading & Designing Research Assignment Instructions   Overview Research is how a field advances its practices, particularly in applied psychology. This Discussion: Reading & Designing Research Assignment will allow you to explore the practicality of reading research and applying it to your area of interest within psychology. This Discussion: Reading & Designing Research Assignment … Read more


Guidelines: For each of the Topics 1-5 listed in the syllabus there will be a Reflection with a Reply. The Reflection addresses several questions. The Reply is your response to another student. To complete a reflection post your answers as a “new thread” in the forum. Please do not post links or attachments–it is better to cut and paste so … Read more