need a flyer made for the following

            CH 5 Early Childhood: Body and Mind Handout Assignment          Due   Tuesday by                  10pm   Points 15  Submitting a file upload  File Types pdf, jpeg, jpg, ai, and psd  Available          Nov 9 at 1pm – Nov 15 at 10pm       MAKE SURE TO MANAGE YOUR TIME – THIS ASSIGNMENT MAY TAKE MORE TIME THAN … Read more

for brilliant answers only

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) defines sexual harassment as: unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when submission to or rejection of this conduct explicitly or implicitly affects an individual’s employment, unreasonably interferes with an individual’s work performance, or creates an intimidating, hostile, or … Read more

feedback le

  The mention of the chromosome 19, makes me think of a duplicate in the 21st chromosome, called Trisomy 21, which is responsible for Down Syndrome.  Have you heard of other genetic variations causing disorders? -Leif

kim woods 5 pages

5 pages plus cover and reference page Current references in APA format State and federal laws affecting education of individuals with special needs Focus on IDEA and provisions Provide insight as to the roles of laws in special education and identify strengths and short comings of current laws Make clear connections between law/laws and their … Read more

Kim Woods PPT

   10 slide minimum power point presentation with detailed speaker notes on a separate word document.  Roll With It by Jamie Sumner available: Information on the characteristics of the disability/ disabilities, the books message, learning characteristics/ needs and the program/ placement implications. Well organized and effective in providing a comprehensive overview/ reflection connection to … Read more

DEATH AND DYING : PSYC-401 Comprehensive Assignment –Literature Review

Your literature review should use all the articles from your annotated bibliography and can include more sources as needed to explain at least three different themes in the research. These should be journal articles and scholarly sources – not websites or magazine articles. Use APA format. See sample literature review in APA format that is … Read more


Read the article on Memorial Hospital during Hurricane Katrina:   Do you believe, after reading the circumstances, that the actions of the doctors and nurses meets the criteria of Euthanasia or murder? Do you think that there were alternative choices for the doctors and nurses, based on their experiences and knowledge at the time … Read more


What evidence suggests that memory involves separate short- and long-term stores? Why have some theorists suggested that the short-term store is best viewed as the items in the long-term store that are currently active? *Short answer


DISCUSSION 8 -BARNUM EFFECT  Due Sunday, November 13, 2022, 11:59 PM  Time remaining: 2 days  Read the Psychology Today article found here:,them%20to%20a%20%22T.%22  Now that you have read the article, define the Barnum Effect and explain in 300 or more words the role the Barnum effect has on the validity of personality tests.