Research Draft

Week 4 Preliminary Research Draft At this point, you should have your problem and research design clarified and should have reviewed literature sources relating to your research. You will have to provide a list of references that you intend to use in your research, along with a rationale for why you selected the references. Additionally, … Read more

Reading Complete The Assignment

Intellectual Identity The Bachelor of Business Administration in Human Resources has provided an extensive understanding on crucial elements needed in effective human resource management. The course exposed students and learners to crucial procedures involved in human resource development, maintenance and development. Among the most useful concepts learnt throughout the classes attended include recruitment and selection, … Read more


Your First & Last Name Edgard Ore-Giron Spanish 160C March 19th 2,021 The First Misunderstood meeting: Hernan Cortes with Moctezuma and La Malinche Paragraph #1: Introduction ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————This essay will explore the cultural symbols of the first encounter between Hernan Cortes and Moctezuma, and Hernan Cortes and la Malinche. For this purpose, image # —– and … Read more

Reading Guide 4

Please answer the following questions based on your interpretation of the text. Each response should be about one paragraph in length. Please do not copy directly out of the textbook. Like all classroom assignments, will be utilized and it will be considered plagiarism to copy word for word from the textbook. Please submit in this format; … Read more

Skills Building 1

250 words   You have a company that was hit hard by a recession.  It had to lay off 25% of its 1,000 employees.  And those that were left had to take a 15% pay reduction and also take on additional responsibilities of those who were laid off.  Over the next 3 years, the economy … Read more

Discussion 3

150 words   Discuss how either good or poor quality affects you personally as a consumer. For instance, describe an experience in which your expectation was met, exceeded, or not met when you purchased goods or services. Did your experience change your regard for the organization and/or its product? If so, how? How can you … Read more

Questions 3

Annotated bibliography; Each annotation should summarize , synthesize and analyze the content of each article. APA format for annotation is required. Each annotation must be 250 words or more and include the following content: 1. Theoretical foundation/framework for the evidence-based practice(s) described in article 2. Strengths and weaknesses of evidence-based practice(s) described in article 3. … Read more

Questions #2

  ANNOTATED BIBLOGRAPHY INSTRUCTIONS. Three (3) peer reviewed journal articles are required. The journal articles must have been published between 2018 and 2023. No meta-analyses or systematic reviews No government reports No white papers or issue papers No editorials (letter to the editor), commentaries, or “introduction” to the issue or special issue, or series, etc. … Read more


Assignment Topic: Cultural Competence and Diversity Initiatives   Now that you have successfully determined the potential steps to take when preparing and writing a comprehensive literature review, it is time to put some of your readings into action. Using a selective database (e.g., ERIC or ProQuest), you are to follow steps 1 through 4 in … Read more

Discussion Question

Book: Roberts, C. M., & Hyatt, L. (2019). The dissertation journey: A practical guide to planning, writing, and defending your dissertation (3rd ed.). Corwin Publishing Co. ISBN- 9781506373331. Read Chapters 6 & 9. Discussion Question: Post must be at least 350 words. Since a critical step in preparing to complete a dissertation topic for research begins by having … Read more