What is it about? This  is about being able to differentiate between various groups in our society. When working in case management, you can work with many different clients on a regular basis. It is important to be able to note that there are still stratifications in our society and not everyone is on … Read more


Reflect back for a moment to the beginning of this course. What did you think ethics was all about? Has your work in the course changed your perspective on ethics? Has your thinking changed?


 Do you think life has meaning? From your perspective, how do you define a meaningful or meaningless life? Is your life headed in one or the other direction – towards meaningfulness or meaninglessness? Are you content with the way it is going? Does life with or without meaning affect our moral decision-making? Why or why … Read more


1. What obligations or duties do we have, if any, to animals? First, state and defend your position on this issue. Next, compare and contrast objections from philosophers such as Kant and Singer who may disagree with your point of view.  2. In one animal rights campaign years ago, there was a glossy poster with a beautiful … Read more


Post your initial response to the case:  After watching the video, explain how bullying may affect Amy’s biological, psychological, and social development. Describe a theoretical approach and two practice skills that you would employ in working with Amy. BY DAY 7 Respond to two colleagues in the following ways: Explain an additional theoretical approach and/or … Read more


If you were to write an epitaph on your own tombstone, based on your character and integrity in your life, how would it read for all to see? Explain your tombstone, by indicating in bullet points, key events in your life which demonstrate integrity or the lack of it. 2. In your opinion, if given … Read more


  Post your initial response to the case:  After watching the video, explain how bullying may affect Amy’s biological, psychological, and social development. Describe a theoretical approach and two practice skills that you would employ in working with Amy. BY DAY 7 Respond to two colleagues in the following ways: Explain an additional theoretical approach … Read more


Post an explanation of one moral development theory and its connection to the act of bullying. Be sure to frame your explanation within the context of cyber and other bullying that persists in social media and communication technologies that adolescents use. Also explain how bullying has changed and how it has remained the same in … Read more


What is your gut reaction, if any, to Singer’s depiction of the treatment of veal calves and chickens on the modern industrialized farm? Did his article change your attitude toward the treatment of animals? Why or why not? How would Kant’s ethical perspective on the moral status of animals compare or contrast with Singer’s? Explain … Read more


We have been talking of ethics in connection with living the ‘good life’ from Module 1 onwards. Take a moment now to look back at your life and describe some of the best and the worst times so far. How did vices and virtues in you or in others around you factor in towards a … Read more