find additional scholarly sources which provide relief, or attempt to provide relief (for example, first responders) to individuals, families, or communities during or after one of the following situations: a natural disaster

For this week’s assignment, you will conduct your own search for resources after reading the resources for the week. You will find additional scholarly sources which provide relief, or attempt to provide relief (for example, first responders) to individuals, families, or communities during or after one of the following situations:

  • a natural disaster
  • a man-made disaster
  • a crisis

Review a minimum of 5 scholarly sources and provide a bibliographic outline of your sources. In your bibliographic outline, include the full APA citation for each source and briefly describe the study or article review in 1-2 paragraphs (for each source).

Heads up to Signature Assignment: You will be including these selected sources in your signature assignment resources in Week 8.