Healthcare Demand


You will be taking on the role of an associate director of a hospital who is considering the proposed opening of an urgent care clinic about 20 miles from your main campus. You have been charged with gathering demographic information that might affect the demand for the new clinic and creating a presentation that will be delivered to the hospital CEO. Consider what data might be relevant and why. What would you want to show the CEO to prove that this project would be feasible for the organization? As with the “Finance, Risk, and Cost” PowerPoint presentation, you will be creating a four to five-slide PowerPoint presentation that will include the points listed below. You are to create your presentation as though you were presenting the elements to a group for review. Add speaker’s notes to the bottom of each slide for ease of narration (as this will be presented in a video script) and to provide accessible content to people with accessibility needs. 

Today’s health care landscape is placing new importance on the economics of health care. Analyze how demand theory applies to public policy and the economics of health services. What elements responsive to the specific health care service demands of your given population would you want to present as you develop a microeconomic model based on this proposed opening of an urgent care clinic?

Your PowerPoint presentation slides must include the following information:

  • Your basic microeconomic model of the projected service/project
  • An analysis of the role that public policy plays in terms of your provision of health care services
  • A justification of your model
  • The relevance of the current financial data in terms of the projected outcome of the project
  • A compare and contrast discussion of the economic challenges and incentives related to your project

Must present engaging multimedia content to improve learner retention of information. You may wish to include visual enhancements in your presentation. These may include appropriate images, a consistent font, appropriate animations, and transitions from content piece to content piece and slide-to-slide.

Must use at least two scholarly sources in your presentation formatted according to APA style. All sources used within the presentation must be cited properly within the slides and included on the required reference slide, which will be the last slide of the presentation.