Lesson 7 Peer Response

Peer Response 1

 Doctor referrals are necessary for certain procedures and specialists which are typically given by the patient’s primary care physician. Referrals are the best way to build relationships with different providers while both physicians increasing their patient volume which in return, makes more revenue and more satisfied patients. Referrals will change the group strategy by ensuring everyone is on the same page through emails or newsletters with the group to have up to date information, such as insurance changes, before referring a patient. Also, treating each physician group as a group not just tackling each one individually can build a better relationship. When a good relationship is made amongst groups, each will most likely continue to refer patients to each other and will help each group to be more successful.

            Physician to physician relationships is important to continue to market one’s business while bringing in new patients and increasing revenue. According to Knoll (2020), a way a relationship can be made is by the referral physician, is to send consult notes to the primary care physician right after the appointment with their patient to gain trust and appreciation from the referral physician. Another way a relationship can be made is by giving the referral physician great customer service. For example, if it is an emergency, clearing a time slot in for that patient will show they respect and care for their new patient and show loyalty and trust for the future.

            Referrals can change the strategy of the group by increasing the number of patients significantly due to there being a large customer base with referrals as well as a strategic advantage for the company.


Knoll, D. (2020). Physician Referral Marketing. How to increase physician referral

            relationships. https://tinyurl.com/28kv3uwp

Peer Response 2

 When the senior partner came back and wanted to change the practices ways in which they deal with primary care physicians practices he was trying to change the typology of the group. It sounds like they were at a strangers relationship level, or they had no relationship with the organization or the medical practice in any way (Berkowitz, 2019). The senior partner was trying to have a better relationship with the primary care physicians that were sending them patients through referrals. He wanted to have more of a partners level of a relationship where there could be a significant level of trust between their interactions of the customer (the medical specialty group) and the provider (the primary care physician practices) (Berkowitz, 2019).

Ways in which this partners relationship focus could shift the perspective of their strategy are:

  • They would have to be committed to this relationship working out, putting forth the effort and getting customized and personalized products to offer that can be used by the provider organizations.
  • True partners relationships show an almost interdependent relationship when they are truly working. For example, if a cardiology practice was trying to partner with a primary care office and a patient’s heart monitor information was reading irregular to the office, they might contact the cardiology office for them to see the patient and see if they can figure out what is the problem.


Berkowitz, E. N. (2019). Essentials of Health Care Marketing. Burlington: Jones & Bartlett Learning.