The objective of this assignment is for students to a identify topic not covered in class or in the assigned readings and develop a 10-minute PowerPoint presentation (minimum 10 slides) that describes (1) the primary practice and policy dimensions of the selected child abuse and neglect topic (or issue) and (2) why and how it is relevant for social work practice in child and family settings. These presentations should be based on empirical research (i.e., peer -reviewed or published by expected research institution). You should include citations and a bibliography. Although there is no required minimum number of citations, successful presentations typically draw from between 8 and 10 citations.
Topic: The link between child abuse and delinquency
Please be sure to address the following questions within your presentation:
1. What is the child welfare issue being focused on?
What is the problem?
Who defines this problem?
Who agrees/disagrees?
What are the underlying social values of the policy?
2. What is the policy goal?
What is the overall goal of the policy?
Are there subgoals?
Do the subgoals conflict with one another?
3. What is the relevant policy/legislation?
What is/are relevant public policies connected to your child welfare policy?
If there are no public policies, why?
What are the objectives of the policies?
Are there hidden agendas?
4. How was the implementation of the policy?
What is/are the social programs implemented as a result of the policies?
Are the programs effective?
What are the strengths/weaknesses?
5. What is the intended impact?
What is supposed to be the result?
How was the social problem supposed to have changed?
How has child welfare practice been impacted by this policy?