Choose one of the most commonly required benefits below:
- Social Security
- Worker’s Compensation Insurance
- Unemployment Insurance
- Family Medical Leave Act
As an expert on your selected benefit, record a 15-minute presentation demonstrating your knowledge of the benefit and its related legislation. Imagine you are giving a presentation at an HR training on the history of and functionality of the benefit selected. In your presentation discuss the following:
- Overview of benefit
- Origin and/or rationale for benefit requirement
- Legislations (do not forget to search for any recent laws that impact your selected benefit)
- Impact or requirements of Employer in relation to benefit
- Impact or requirement of Employee in relation to benefit
- Personal critique, observations, or suggestions (feel free to integrate relevant case studies)
The presentation must be between 8 – 10 slides including organized and useful images/data. All presentations should include a voice-over in your presentation to fully explain the material presented in your slides. The presentation must have a minimum of 5 reference sources and should include an APA *Reference Slide and *TitleSlide (*not included in the slide count). Utilize programs like PowerPoint or Kaltura to help you create a professional recorded presentation.
- Compensation Law: Human Resources Management for Public and Nonprofit Organizations: A Strategic Approach – Pynes, Joan E. – Chapter 7, 231-238 (Links to an external site.)
- Benefit Law: Human Resources Management for Public and Nonprofit Organizations: A Strategic Approach – Pynes, Joan E. – Chapter 8, 247-270 (Links to an external site.)
- ERI Economic Research Institute (2020). The Law and Compensation Benefits