Please read the following article: Yang, J., Zhou, C., Tian, Y. C., & Yang, S. H. (2019). A software-defined security approach for securing field zones in industrial control systems. IEEE Access, 7, 87002-87016.
ICS-security-zones.pdf Download ICS-security-zones.pdf
The authors discuss security protection for ICS networks, especially for physical devices using software defined security. This paper offers an SDSec-based approach to provide additional protection based on software defined zones. Different approaches are also discuss and presented. Understanding the nature of ICS/SCADA networks the authors present an approach to limit attacks and attack propagation on physical devices.
Do you believe that a software defined approach works for ICS/SCADA systems/networks? Write a 4-5 page paper with supporting research (peer reviewed journals are required) that either supports an SDSec-based approach or dismisses this ICS/SCADA networks.
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