correctional 6.2

  According to the text, Mental health treatment programs are essential in prisons as many prisoners suffer from mental health problems.  In many states, there are mixed responsibilities between correctional and mental health agencies. Review the categories of mental health treatment discussed in the course material. Should we provide inmates with free mental health treatment while … Read more

frie 6.2

 The final determination of a fire investigator has real world impact. Millions of dollars can be on the line. A criminal conviction can take away someone’s freedom. Because of this we must be able to reach a certain burden of proof. The three primary standards of proof are 1) proof beyond a reasonable doubt, 2) … Read more

correctional 6.2

 According to the text, Mental health treatment programs are essential in prisons as many prisoners suffer from mental health problems.  In many states, there are mixed responsibilities between correctional and mental health agencies. Review the categories of mental health treatment discussed in the course material. Should we provide inmates with free mental health treatment while … Read more

correctional 6.1

 Contraband is nonpermissible items that are forbidden from entering correctional facilities. All prisons have a specific list of designated contraband items, and it varies by state. Correctional Administrators must recognize that there are various approaches to prevent and control contraband in prisons. Discuss what tactics you would use to minimize and control contraband from being … Read more


 For this discussion, reflect on the content discussed this week related to the history of nursing, theories, caring, and evidence-based practice. How does nursing history, theories, caring, and evidence-based practice assist with developing yourself as a nursing professional? Use at least one credible resource to support your initial discussion post and response posts. For example, … Read more

(Nursing) Scenario #2 ( Repply)

Reply to the following discussion  Scenario 2: 33-old female of Hispanic descent Case Study A. To assess this 33-year-old Hispanic woman, I would employ Bowen’s family systems theory and Leininger’s transcultural theory. The Bowen family systems theory represents the best approach. Her obesity, hypertension, and depression can significantly impact how other family members feel, think, … Read more


You are about to perform a rectal examination of an older adult. What are the steps to examine this patient? Explain your rationale. What are some findings you can have while assessing the rectal sphincter? Describe the differences during the rectal examination of acute prostatitis and benign prostatic hypertrophy. What findings would expect on physical … Read more

critique the theory of Self-Efficacy using the internal and external criticism evaluation process.

  Your reply is for a discussion post.  Please use APA 7th Edition. Minimum 400 words with 2 scholarly references (Within 5 years).  Also include 2 replies to the same discussion post you are providing with references. (So, essentially you are replying to your own reply) Please only original work that you have not submitted before … Read more