Discussion 1

Topic 1 The Scientific Method Before responding to this discussion, please read the Scientific Method Tutorial and if needed review optional readings. Describe an example of how you use the scientific method in your daily life. Which observation(s) lead you to use the scientific method? State a good hypothesis, how you are testing the hypothesis (the … Read more

assignment 2

Write a ½ page summary of the article in your own words.  GAView will run your submission through Turn-it In. This website analyzes your writing to determine its uniqueness. If it is more than 20% similar to the article we are reading, then you will re-write it for half the possible points of the whole … Read more

Alcohol Part 2

Respond to both students with 200 words and also include a question in response. Breanna Brown: What is alcohol? Alcohol is also known as ethanol. Alcohol is not a nutrient. Common sources of alcohol are beer, wine, hard liquor ( whiskey, vodka, rum), tuba, fermented yeast. Excessive alcohol consumption is a negative effect. Alcohol poisoning … Read more


What are the positive and negative effects of alcohol?  What causes a hangover?  Is there anyway to relieve one?  Why do healthcare professionals advise pregnant women not to drink alcohol?  Is any level safe during a pregnancy? 250 words


Can protein diets be related to disease like, such as kidney disease osteoporosis or others?  How do our choices in protein foods increase or decrease our health risk? then reply separately to these two student and have a question in it . A healthy diet incorporates all nutrients in moderation. Low protein intake has several … Read more


List two differences between prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Give an example of an organism of each type. Humans are eukaryotes. Provide two examples of what we could not do if we were prokaryotes. 

[ Phone* Support] (8O O)4945- 4I3 IOBIT Tech Support Number? is free ???

   IOBIT  Tech Support number (8 O O) 4945 -4I3 IOBIT  Tech Support number I8O5-738-61OO personal information manager, consists of many elements such as calendar, contact manager, task manager, notes, notes, web browsing and mail application. Among all these features, IOBIT  is generally considered as an email application. Whether you need IOBIT  for personal or … Read more

Biodiversity fi.nal ex.am

   Biology 108 Biodiversity Fi.nal Ex.am Pick two groups (1, 2, 3, …) of questions each from three of the four sections (A, B, C, D) below.  Copy the questions to a text file and provide the answer right below each question. Your total page count should be no more than 1.5 pages.  Keep the … Read more