homework help

  Benefits are quite possibly one of the most important recruitment and retention tools that an organization has. For this assignment, you are tasked to create a benefits package for employees at your local healthcare organization (this can be fictional). Address the following: Discuss and explain the mandatory benefits that organizations must provide to their … Read more

finall pick

For the final week’s discussion, select ONE of the following topics and write a 150+ word response. Your initial post should be posted by Thursday and two replies of at least 35 words each by Sunday.  (No bonus opportunities this week). 1.   Two men have observed blood in their stool. One states that the blood … Read more


  Below are the instructions for the ePortfolio project. Answer the first 3 questions along with what the apps estimate is your initial carbon footprint. Then I want you to come up with an idea for what you will do for #4.   As this is going to be a short paper put everything in paragraph … Read more


Compare and contrast the following transport processes as it relates to the plasma membrane: Diffusion  Facilitated Transport  Osmosis  Active Transport, Secondary Active Transport

Study help

I need study help  Step 1: Watch the HeLa Ted Ed Video and then review the timeline of Henrietta Lacks’ story below. Once you have done this, scroll down to “Your Task” for directions on how to complete this discussion forum Here is the link https://youtu.be/22lGbAVWhro After reviewing the above timeline and watching the video, write a paragraph, … Read more

Discussion nutrition

Reply to jackie  My biggest nutritional challenge is actually eating enough in a day. I used to be a server and I would go into the late afternoon, sometimes even the evening and not have eaten anything. My water consumption would also be stopped because as a server you do not always have time to … Read more


What is your biggest nutrition challenge?  Is it eating healthy?  Having safe food for your family?  Do you think organic and genetically modified foods are safe or better than conventional food?  Why or why not?  Do you think we will continue to see a rise in obesity in the United States?  

Week 7

For this week’s discussion, select ONE of the three topics below for your initial post. Your initial post is to be posted by Thursday and should consist of 150+ words. You should also post a reply to at least two other posts of at least 35 words or more, with at least one-follow up question, … Read more

Anabolic Steroids

  This week’s discussion will pertain to muscle physiology.  Specifically we will look at Anabolic Steroids.  In your post, you may want to mention such aspects as: how prevalent is illegal steroid use in America what groups of people are most likely to be using/abusing anabolic steroids what health risks are associated with the use … Read more


In this module we have been examining environmental indicators and standards. One way to be aware of the environmental impact of a person or business is to know the carbon footprint. In this assignment you will calculate your carbon footprint. Please write a short 2 page paper that you submit online, please make sure it … Read more