prin of mgmt dis 1

our answer should include both a description section and an analysis or opinion section. In addition, each student must respond to at least one answer from another student for each discussion question the question How will scan-as-you-go mobile devices and digital wallets impact the retail sector? the student answer that you will respond on  Scan-as-you-go … Read more

discussion 12

Watch the documentary PS Dance. (This hour-long documentary is linked above, and again here. You can also find it in the Kanopy database through the MTSU James Walker Library). Visit the National Dance Education Organization website, and look at the sections on professional development, online education, and advocacy. Write a minimum of 100 words in response … Read more


You have been assigned Version B of the Cost Analysis Project for ACTG 2120.  You will prepare this project on Excel or Numbers.  There is a video in the D2L shell under Computer Projects that describes how to prepare the project in Excel.  Your Excel file with Parts A-E and the Scenarios Summary should be … Read more

dance 9

Pick a social dance in the Social Dance group list.  Look up your social dance online. Find a video example of your social dance and include it in your post. Describe your social dance. Write about 50 words of a movement description using the Elements of Dance vocabulary. Write another 50 words minimum answering the following … Read more