Unit V Journal

Instructions Chapter 11 and the Unit V lesson discusses different types of discrimination that occur in the workplace. Review and answer the following questions: Do you believe there could be a situation in which some form of discrimination might be morally justified? What would that situation be? The textbook discusses gender harassment and sexual harassment. … Read more

Unit IV Journal

Instructions Reflect on the topics of freedom of expression and privacy inside and outside of your current or former workplace setting, and consider the following two questions. Should a current or prospective employer have a right to investigate your posts on social media and make job-related determinations based upon what has been posted? Would you … Read more

Unit III Journal

Instructions Reflect on what you have learned throughout the readings for this unit. Discuss what you believe should be the best practices a business should utilize for environmental sustainability and/or minimizing greenhouse gas emissions. What strategies do you believe a business could use for sustainability and, therefore, have a minimal impact on the environment? Your … Read more

Business Env

  Writing a persuasive message about a company that you would like to work for and why you are a good fit for that company and want to work there. Look up and do some research on a company that you think you would like to work for. You should be able to gather any … Read more

Strategic Management week 5 Toolbox Exercise

   Strategic Management – Week 5 Assignment Toolbox Exercise – Internal Factor Evaluation Matrix (IFE) NOTE REGARDING TOOLBOX EXERCISES – These exercises are meant to be cumulative in nature. Each week we will perform an exercise that will serve as the foundation for your Strategic Plan and Final Presentation. Your frame of reference for these … Read more

Int Market entry

Background  You have just begun a new job as President of Unlimited Combines (UC), a Canadian farm equipment manufacturer whose flagship product utilizes new technology to increase the productivity of grain harvesting. UC’s equipment allows farmers and commercial grain-growing operations to harvest wheat, barley and similar cereal crops faster and with less waste than any … Read more

Unit II Article Review

  Instructions Select an article of a high-profile event that discusses how the failure of ethical leadership impacted the company. Select an article that discusses corporate culture and governance of the company or business organization. Use the  Unit II Template , and include the following information. Explain the corporate culture and/or governance of the company … Read more