Make sure to read the instructions below, the assignment template, and the rubric for the Week 2 Assignment – Employability Skills and the Future of Work. To submit your assignment, please go to the Week 2 Assignment in Blackboard by clicking the Week 2 Assignment link above. What to submit/deliverables: A completed Week 2 … Read more

1 word due today or tomorrow morning

Unit 2 – Discussion Board  For this Discussion Board, please complete the following: There are many roles that a manager must play in a business. Many times it is situational. The manager must plan, organize, control, provide resources to do the job, and lead. When a manager leads, they must at times delegate, motivate, and … Read more

Unit VI Article Critique

Using the CSU Online Library, locate a peer-reviewed article that discusses how leaders must have a vision when leading an organization globally. Topic ideas include visionary leadership, global leadership, and international leadership. Note that these are ideas; please expand within the parameters of research used within organizations. Respond to the following questions/topics: Summarize the article … Read more

Unit VI Scholarly Activity

Instructions For this scholarly activity, develop a supporting human resource (HR) plan for an organizational strategy by completing the following tasks: Research a company that has undergone (or attempted to undergo) a shift in organization or culture within the past five years. This shift must have been a result of innovation. Some examples of companies … Read more


  The Affordable Care and Patient Protection Act of 2010 has three pillars:  Access, Quality and Cost.  What care services should be made available to every person in the United States? How can all levels of healthcare workers help to reduce inequality and discrimination in the delivery of healthcare services? Does the lack of an … Read more


  Discuss the respective roles of: Hospitals, long term care facilities/programs and mental health efforts in the delivery of a comprehensive health system. Be certain to do all three. Offer your analysis and conclusion as to the viability of each of these systems. Why are they separate systems? Cite research references. What is your conclusion … Read more

Week 1 Discussion – Customer Service

  Please respond to the following:  From the Zappos articles, evaluate the different way(s) that Zappos creates a superior customer service experience. Describe how operations and management activities impact the management of goods and services that Zappos provides. Compare the customer service experience at Zappos with the service provided at a store you shop from … Read more

Week 1 Discussion – Corporate Stakeholders

  Part 2 Click here to select a company from the Approved Company List.  You will research and write about this company throughout the course.    Using the company you selected, reference Exhibit 1B in your textbook and identify a prominent or influential stakeholder associated with it from column one.  While a stakeholder can be an individual, for this … Read more

Discussion Board for accounting

In this discussion, you will consider the relevance of managerial accounting in different professional roles. Briefly research career opportunities that require knowledge or experience with managerial accounting. In your initial post, introduce yourself, and then address the following: Describe at least two potential positions related to managerial accounting that you personally found to be interesting, … Read more