Case analysis – Justification

  Alternatives: Develop, present, and analyze several realistic strategic options for the firm.  Recommendation: Based on your analysis of the alternatives, provide the recommended strategy for the firm. Justification: Provide a logical justification for the recommended strategy or strategies.

Assistance with a business case on groupon.

 Societal Environmental Analysis: Identify key sociocultural, technological, economic, and political factors in the firm’s external environment. Industry Analysis: Use Porter’s 5-forces model to accurately analyze competitive factors in the firm’s industry (or industries) and assess the overall attractiveness of the industry (or industries). External Factor Analysis Summary (EFAS): Summarize the external factors from your societal and industry … Read more

Information Systems

Can anyone assist me with this?   Software and Mobile Applications Assignment Using the Internet, find two relatively new software programs that can be purchased online. Are the systems software or application software? In which sphere of influence do they operate—personal, workgroup, or enterprise? Are they shareware or freeware? If not, does the license give … Read more

Was That Harassment? Case Study Questions

Was That Harassment? HBR Case Questions What makes a comment inappropriate? The intention of the speaker, the impression of the listener, or an objective standard? Did Jackson mean any harm? Should this matter? From what we know of the different categories of sexual harassment, how would you categorize Jackson’s specific behavior? Does Rainer have an … Read more

Help with case study – management

Need help with a case study in business management.    Current Performance: Provide an overview of the firm’s current and recent performance in its competitive markets. This includes a general analysis of the company’s financial performance and competitive position. Mission and Objectives: Describe the firm’s mission and major objectives and analyze their appropriateness and fit with the … Read more


Imagine that: You are the liaison between the decision makers and the followers. Your role is to communicate potential personnel change initiatives. In your post, using the communication strategies found in the text, List the actions you will take to format the conversation with employees regarding the restructuring process. Design a strategy to communicate the … Read more


  Complete the following tasks: Define liability of foreignness and regionalism. Discuss how it relates to and how it impacts international strategies. Describe corporate strategic alliance and discuss why a company would want to develop one. Are strategic alliances necessary for a company to expand internationally? Describe the primary reasons for failure of an international … Read more

Case Write up

Using the file attached answer the following questions  1) Discuss the relationship between the capital base of banks and the 2007-2010 financial crisis and great recession.  2) Evaluate the need for counter-cyclical capital buffers, and discuss how these might be structured. 3) Discuss the need to include the leverage ratio and off-balance sheet assets in … Read more

Using Music to Learn Economics

Objective: To analyze some economic concepts prevalent in music lyrics.  Instructions: Listed below are several songs which incorporate economic concepts. Please select two songs and discuss them in economic terms. You do not have to use the songs listed below.  Select two songs, write about each one and respond to one of your classmates. You … Read more