200 words

Think of your favorite stores and discuss the following: What do they do that encourages your loyalty? What do you like about the in-store experience? What further improvements could these stores make? Submission Instructions: Your initial post should be at least 200 words, formatted and cited accurately in current APA style with support from at least … Read more

Target Marketing

Is Target Marketing Ever Bad? As marketers increasingly tailor marketing programs to target market segments, some critics have denounced these efforts as exploitative. They see the preponderance of billboards advertising cigarettes and alcohol in low-income urban areas as taking advantage of a vulnerable market segment. Critics can be especially harsh in evaluating marketing programs that … Read more


  Using Internet resources, 1. Find at least one Bayer product in each of the breakthrough, platform, and derivative categories (minimum a total of 3 products). You must place the products on the graph (attached PowerPoint) to receive credit for this assignment, and explain your choices and references. A breakthrough product must be within the … Read more


  Listen to this podcast about the Cliff Bar and answer these questions in less than 200 words. 1. What differentiates this product in the marketplace? 2. If you decided to create a new power bar what recipe (ingredients) would you use? Be specific and explain why. (check the Cliff Bar website first)

business admin 5/13 OPEN DISCUSSION

  Using the Internet, research acquisitions that are currently underway and choose one of these acquisitions to discuss. Based on the firms’ characteristics and experiences and the reasons cited to support the acquisition, do you feel it will result in increased strategic competitiveness for the acquiring firm? Why or why not? Of the problems that … Read more

legal environment of business

  Heimdall Corporation’s board of directors hired a new CEO, Essa Alharbi. The Executive Search Firm that hired him found that in their search of over 200 candidates, he was the most qualified. He had extensive experience in helping businesses succeed. After the Board of Directors hired him, 11 months into the job, the company … Read more

Discussion 4.1

  See the links below. The Thai floods are discussed along with the resulting disruptions to the supply chain. Review this information and do a bit of research on the Internet. Then, List the risks what the companies in Thailand experienced, List the risks what companies outside Thailand experienced, and State which which insurance policy(ies) might … Read more