CIS337 Final Project part 1

Follow Assignment PDF then Follow Journal Rubric and answer questions Please complete the following questions after completing the assignment    Please reflect on the following questions in your journal: What, if any, challenges do you foresee in completing your final project?  What are you hoping to learn as a result of this project? Are the outcomes … Read more

Unit 4 DB: Backbone Design

Suggest one best practice recommendation for backbone design and explain why it’s a best practice. In response to your peers, discuss the details of a practice similar to yours and explore a practice different from yours. Ask questions about or expand upon the practice.  1 Page APA Format  Networking in business 

Unit 3 DB: Error Control

Effective Data Communications are only reliable when the sender and receiver can communicate efficiently and effectively. Discuss sources of errors, what causes them, and how to prevent them. With your peers, discuss the similarities and differences in your responses.  1 page apa format 

Email Etiquette

After reading the 101 Email Etiquette Tips__ (Links to an external site.), comment on why you think these tips are important and indicate which tip number you like the most and why.