Organizational Discourse

1) How does organizational discourse create and recreate power structures within the workplace? (2) Explore a situation from your life (not from the textbook) in which an organizational narrative can be used to create or reinforce power within an organization. 

What can Communication teach us about addressing some of the major global challenges we face?

you will use Floyd as your central source to begin assessing how communication theory can help us better understand the world around us. To do this, you will choose a piece of communication/media that relates to the theme of “Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions” and analyze your media piece according to themes and terms used … Read more

Team Organization, Communications, and Dynamics

For your main post, draw upon the readings and other research to discuss what you believe are the three most important fundamental understandings and dynamics of a successful team. Why? How should disconnects and problems be handled? Response Guidelines After you make your main post, return to the discussion, and review the initial posts of … Read more

Communication 4

  While some people have critiqued social media for lessening the importance of face-to-face interaction, some communication scholars have found that online networks provide important opportunities to stay connected, receive emotional support, and broaden our perspectives in ways that traditional offline networks do not. Watch the following video…   TEDx Talks. (2017, June 22). Is … Read more