Compensation Manager

If I was an  Compensation Manager how would I  develop a pay-for-performance plan for all assembly-line workers that will perform three functions   Appeal to the assembly-line workers  Meet the tenets of the core values Serve to improve performance overall by reducing the time to make one bicycle by ten percent?

Work from home/ Telecommunication

  What can I use to detail the following descriptions when talking about working from home/ telecommunication? Background and historical perspective on working from home/ telecommunication Current issues related to working from home/ telecommunication Your professional opinions about working from home/ telecommunication I have uploaded an file on other issues to discuss also.


   Compensation Philosophy Evaluate the current compensation philosophy for your organization or an organization of your choosing (from a third-person perspective). Write a three-to-five page paper (not including the title and reference pages). Your paper should be written in a scholarly third-person tone; it should be in APA format. In addition to the introduction and … Read more


I need 3 paragraphs for each discussion which is a total of 6 paragraphs. Please keep both separate, address each question and add the references at the bottom of each discussion. Please make sure you check grammar and punctuation errors, as well as quoting and using in text citations. PLEASE make sure you cite the … Read more


Please read each passage below and respond to each part. I DO NOT need a reference or title page, however please provide the reference(s) underneath the passage. Please label as I have done below, example Part 1 and place your response along with the reference. Please keep each one on the same document! Please cite … Read more


Please read each passage below and respond to each part. I DO NOT need a reference or title page, however please provide the reference(s) underneath the passage. Please label as I have done below, example Part 1 and place your response along with the reference. Please keep each one on the same document! Please cite … Read more


  I need 3 paragraphs for each discussion which is a total of 6 paragraphs. Please keep both separate, address each question and add the references at the bottom of each discussion. Please make sure you check grammar and punctuation errors, as well as quoting and using in text citations. PLEASE make sure you cite … Read more


 Please read each passage below and respond to each part. I DO NOT need a reference or title page, however please provide the reference(s) underneath the passage. Please label as I have done below, example Part 1 and place your response along with the reference. Please keep each one on the same document! Please cite … Read more


 Please read each passage below and respond to each part. I DO NOT need a reference or title page, however please provide the reference(s) underneath the passage. Please label as I have done below, example Part 1 and place your response along with the reference. Please keep each one on the same document! Please cite … Read more


 Market Competitiveness Compose a three-to-five page paper Evaluate the concept of market competitiveness in relation to an organization’s pay system, particularly when it is unable to offer its employees market competitive salaries due to a lack of financial resources.  Propose at least three alternative approaches for organizations which have limited financial resources.  Identify at least … Read more