English Corrections on assignment

The first upload is the professor’s review and corrections. The second upload is the referral under the thesis column. The third upload is the second referral under the in-text citation column. The fourth upload is my peer’s input of corrections needed.  You only have to correct half of my peer’s corrections, if that, but do … Read more


  What is the military model and why has it been so popular in the prison?  What do you think? Describe unit team management and how it works What are the problems associated with prison gangs?  List and describe the major gangs according to out textbook.  What is their impact on the operations of correctional … Read more

corrections DP CRJS345

  The volume of inmate litigation increased significantly following the Cooper v. Pate decision in 1964. In 1980, inmates in state and federal correctional institutions filed 23,287 petitions alleging both civil and criminal violations of their rights and seeking compensatory damages, injunctions, and property claims (Peak & Everett, 2016). By 1990, the number of such … Read more

Discussion Post

Specify the most common intermediate sanction according to your textbook. Explain the three most significant problems facing the intermediate sanctions movement. Describe alternative sanctions you think are best according to existing evidence.

Discussion Post

select the three most important issues (overcrowding, recidivism, budget cuts, and so on.) facing corrections today. Why did you select these issues as significant as opposed to others? For each issue, recommend one strategy that would help to improve it. Why do you think these strategies would help to improve these issues?


First, watch the video at this link: GRPD Taps Public to Hone Mission Statement. Then, in your initial post, consider the following items: What are the drawbacks (if any) from having community input in forming an organizational mission statement? What are the benefits (if any) from having community input on forming an organizational mission statement? … Read more

CJ 550 2-2 Milestone One

II. Structure: In this section, you will analyze the overall  structure of the organization to set the stage for your performance assessment. For the purposes of this project, you will select a subdivision of the agency on which to focus your performance assessment. A. What are the departments or subdivisions into which your selected organization … Read more


  Article Summary: A list of references is included at the end of each chapter of the course textbook. Choose one of the references, locate that source, and summarize it offering a concluding section of analytical commentary. Do so using APA format in five typewritten pages plus reference page. Cite at least two outside sources … Read more

Functions and Issues for Alternative Sentencing and Community Corrections

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, please review the assigned material in your Stojkovic and Lovell (2019) textbook and review Alternative Sentences (Links to an external site.). You may also wish to consider some of the recommended resources for this week. Your initial post consists of two parts: Part 1 Discuss objectives and issues for … Read more