Writing Assignment 3-Criminology Theories

Based on the theories you have learned, write a two-page, double spaced paper on the case located below.  Your paper should discuss the elements of crime and recognize the origins of criminal behavior depicted in this case using two different views of crime and two different explanations of crime in the context of different criminological … Read more

Annotated Bibliography Assignment

For this assignment, you will provide an annotated bibliography for three peer reviewed Journal Articles as sources and provide the complete source information using APA 7 citation. The sources DO NOT include web pages, links or news sources, movies, documentaries, law review articles, or personal communication. Also, avoid reports and books for this assignment.  You … Read more

Diversity in Criminal Justice Paper 5

 After viewing the videos selected for this Unit, in a minimum of 1-2 pages, explain and discuss the benefits of a diversified police department. Provide 2-3 examples.  Explain why you feel diversity enhances the productivity of the department and the impact on community relations.    Isiah Carey. (2019, May 17). DIVERSITY IN LAW ENFORCEMENT IN … Read more

Discussion Post

Respond to the following: Let’s look at the factors that make transnational crime so difficult. Then we can look at some of the approaches to prevent transnational crime. Identify the key factors that make policing and adjudicating transnational crime so difficult. Suggest one strategy that a policing organization could utilize to address at least one … Read more

Reading Assignment #5 (methods of justice research)

Chapters 9 & 10 Assignment Type: Canvas Due Date:  10/30/22 Topic:  The high rate of African Americans in the prison systems Using the proposed topic, write a series of questions that represent open-ended, closed-ended, matrix, and contingency questions (15 questions minimum) questions: Compare and contrast in-person interviews and telephone surveys in terms of the role … Read more

Reading Assignmne #10 (Criminal Behavior Systems)

Chapter 10 (Crime Control and the Anatomy of Dangerous Persons, Places, and Situations) Points Possible: 20 Deliverable Length: 3-4 pages Due: Saturday, October 29 by 11:55 pm 1.  Answer any two questions (10 points each): 2.  Compare offender socio-demographic characteristics for white collar crime and violent street crime.  Include gender, age, race, and class in … Read more

Diversity in Criminal Justice Paper 1

  Assignment 1  Review the Four Types of Diversity from the PowerPoint in Unit 1.  In 3-4 paragraphs give examples of Organizational diversity within the field of Criminal Justice. In the closing paragraph, explain if you agree or disagree with the examples you selected. APA format required to include the citations of sources.   

Comparing Transnational Crimes

  Comparing Transnational Crime For this assignment, you will select one transnational crime and two countries (from the six model nations in Chapter 4 of your text) to research the similarities and differences of transnational crime between the two countries. Use the Internet and the Strayer Library to conduct your research. Write a 2–3 page … Read more