
  Answer the following questions and support your answers with facts from the scenario and legal analysis, utilizing the cases provided or additional cases obtained through your own research. Be sure to state the case names and citations of all cases you use in support of your arguments in your document. Consider the following cases: Two … Read more

Discussion 2

Each discussion should be 300 words or more for original posts  APA in-text (Links to an external site.) citations and references are required for any external and textbook material provided. Excessive quotations (more quotes than your own words) will not award points. Discussion Questions (Choose one): What purpose do theories in criminology serve? Provide and discuss … Read more

Discussion 1

 Each discussion should be 300 words or more for original posts.  APA in-text citations and references are required for any external and textbook material provided. Excessive quotations (more quotes than your own words) will not award points. Discussion Questions (Choose one): Differential Association Theory (DAT) is a learning theory that was created by Edwin Sutherland. Provide … Read more

Criminal Justice11

  Discussion 9 – Witness Credibility Assessment 1818 unread replies.1818 replies. Discussion: In Chapter 7, Topic 5 the text discusses 10 potential factors that could impact witness credibility. Pick two of those factors to discuss and why you think they are the most challenging for the investigator to assess during the investigative process. For example, … Read more

Reading Assignment #3

Chapter 3 (Homicide and Aggravated Assault) Points Possible: 20 Deliverable Length: 3-4 pages Due: Saturday, September 10 by 11:55 pm Answer any two questions (10 points each): 1.  Discuss the different legal constructions of homicide: noncriminal/criminal; first- and second-degree; manslaughter, and so on. 2.  Outline the social correlates of homicide and assault rates according to … Read more

American Criminal Courts

The Situation: • You have been living in the new colony for 14 years without any crime. • Three weeks ago, a girl, Nala arrived on the colony. Two days after her arrival she was bullied by her peers. They accused of being a stowaway, and started calling her names like Stowaway Girl. They said … Read more

Discussion 3

Watch the short video: Though it is old and a bit hokey, watch how various individuals make decisions in the video. Specifically, what ethical standards are each applying to make their decisions? Consider and discuss the decisions of the night watchman, the boy’s mother, the owner, the police officer, the boy, and Mr. Barker. How … Read more

Discussion 2

Deontology and Consequentialism (most often referred to as Utilitarianism) are two of the primary schools of ethical decision-making. After completing this week’s readings and viewing the videos, discuss why you consider yourself more of either a ‘deontologist’ or ‘utilitarian.’ Also, consider the following situation: You are walking through the woods and come to a clearing. … Read more

Discussion 1

Students striving for a superlative grade should go far above and beyond the minimum requirements of the assignment. Assignment: View the short videos/articles: https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/morality-definition/ As the videos show, we all have some sense of our own morality. Are we born with morals or do we learn them? On what are your personal views of right … Read more