Week 10 Discussion Forum – What do you think the future of terrorism holds for us? /NO PLAGARISM PROFESSOR USES TURNITIN

Watch the following video clip and respond to the questions posed below: ¡The Future of Terrorism (Links to an external site.)  Discussion: Do you agree or disagree that the future of modern terrorism can be learned by studying the patterns and trends of terrorism over the past 50 years?  Support your view. Is it possible to … Read more

Week 9 Discussion Forum – How many of your civil liberties are you willing to give up in the name of national security?/NO PLAGARISM PROFESSOR USES TURNITIN

Watch the video clip below and respond to the questions posed below: Glenn Greenwald on civil liberties, the Constitution, and the War on Terror (Links to an external site.)Minimize Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ksVToHB_YJg&feature=related Discussion: Why type of threat to the country warrants intrusion into citizens’ civil liberties? Explain. How many of your civil liberties are you willing to … Read more

Sustainable Living Guide Contributions: Sustaining Our Atmosphere and Climate

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read Chapters 7 and 8 in your course textbook. The purpose of this assignment is twofold: first, to enable you to explore a term (concept, technique, place, etc.) related to this week’s theme of sustaining atmosphere and climate; second, to provide your first contribution to a collective project, … Read more

Criminal Justice

  CHAPTER 2: The Significance of Race in Contemporary Urban Policing Policy CHAPTER 3: Combative and Cooperative Law Enforcement in Post-September 11th America Discussion Question: What is the relationship between multicultural competence and fair and equitable policing?

Week 3 Controversies in CJ Assignment – Chapters 9 & 10/NO PLAGARISM PROFESSOR USES TURNITIN

Choose one of the current controversies discussions in the text book from the list below: Chapter 9: Should Physical Evidence Be Required in Serious Criminal Cases? pp. 212-213 Chapter 9: Should We Limit the use of Plea Bargains? pp. 214-215 Chapter 10: Do Habitual sentencing Laws Deter Offenders? pp. 234-235 Chapter 10: Should We Abolish … Read more


question 1. Compare and contrast centralization and decentralization.   question 2:   Part A Explain the underlying values in American administrative practice. Part B Analyze the impact of domestic and international crisis, the mass media, social change, and technology on our values. 


First identify the manner of death (homicide, suicide, accidental, or natural) for each of the following situations (a-f), then explain in detail your reasoning, and finally discuss what physical evidence may have been present at the crime scene and why. a. Blunt force trauma to the back of the head b. An elevated carboxyhemoglobin blood … Read more

POWERPOINT Presentation

Discussion Board Post Presentations  – focus on an Environmental Crime topic and entities and NGOs providing SOLUTIONS and ACTIVISM OPPORTUNITIES.   Research TWO groups from the list below and post a power point presentation  IT SHOULDTAKE APPROXIMATELY 5-10 MINUTES TO READ THROUGH YOUR SLIDES Conflict Awareness Project: Follow the Guns – https://www.conflictawareness.org/copy-of-kathi-lynn-austin Interpol: https://www.interpol.int/en/Crimes/Environmental-crime/Our-response-to-environmental-crime CITES: https://cites.org/eng/disc/what.php … Read more

Criminal Law

  A controversial issue today in the American legal system is the justification of the use of force by police officers, given the actions and conduct of citizens. In this assignment, you will explore the requirements for use of force, constitutional rights pursuant to the Bill of Rights when it comes to free speech, and … Read more