Criminal Law

  Week 4 Assignment – Criminal Law, Criminal Culpability, and Criminal Liability Overview According to the text, criminal law is aimed at the misbehavior that falls below society’s norms and values. The burden of enforcing criminal law and maintaining public order and public safety falls to local, state, and even the federal government; all help … Read more


  Consider the ethical consequences of the topics in the Learning Resources. Review each of the following topics and consider the ethical issues that may be involved. Be prepared to discuss at least one of them during the Discussion. Deterrence and the death penalty Guns deter crime and support capital punishment Guantanamo Prison and torture … Read more

Course paper 2

7-8 pages paper, due May 1st 12 pm!!!! no exception. Instructions are attached in the document the book for this paper is attached as well. Please confirm you can access attached documents in the chat. Negotiable bid, let me know your offer!!!!!

Annotated bibliography

FORMAT REQUIREMENTS FOR THE ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY 1.  American Psychological Association (APA) Style. 2. a.  Be sure to provide the COMPLETE BIBLIOGRAPHIC CITATION in APA STYLE, INCLUDING ELECTRONIC IDENTIFICATION (e.g., DOI or URL if appropriate) b. For each entry (total of 10), include a 2-3 paragraph summary of the entry’s main points and/or your overall evaluation … Read more

Assignment 6

answer each question  1. Define standard probation for juvenile offenders. What are some of its characteristics? What are of the conditions of standard probation? 2. What are juvenile probation camps? What is meant by intensive aftercare? Are such alternative sanctions effective at reducing recidivism? Why, or why not?  7 . Distinguish between group homes and … Read more

assignment five (CJ)

 1. What types of risk assessment devices exist to evaluate the dangerousness of juvenile offenders? How do they differ from needs assessment instruments? 2. Define false positives and false negatives. How does such designation occur?   7. What is diversion? What are some of the eligibility requirements of prospective candidates for diversion? What are some of … Read more


  Write a 2- to 3-page paper: Create a hypothetical task force in response to the threat you selected. Include local, state, and federal agencies. Assign each agency a role in either preventing the threat or responding to an attack. Be specific. Describe the ways each part of your task force will operate to stop … Read more


 Explain how the different personalities you have studied manifest in intimate partner violence. Explain possible counterintuitive behaviors that victims might display. Provide examples that illustrate your rationales. Explain how victim responses potentially create a dilemma for those in the criminal justice system and how a forensic psychology professional should react. 


  In a 3- to 5- page paper: Compare the two typologies of sexual offenders you selected by explaining the following: The motivational differences between the two typologies The expression of aggression in the two typologies The differences in the underlining personality structure of the two typologies Based on your comparison, explain strategies you would … Read more