
 In response to two peers, address the following: Compare your analysis of the case to your peers’ viewpoints. In places where you disagree, offer a competing understanding of where the priorities lie. In areas where you agree, add additional evidence to support the consensus. Compare your disciplinary perspective to that of your peers. If you … Read more


Initial Post Instructions Choose one of the following topics for your initial post: Let’s start by discussing the structure of our blood vessels. Let’s each take a characteristic of (1) arteries, (2) veins, or (3) capillaries. Build upon what your classmates say to enable us to have a fuller understanding of these vessels that are … Read more

Research Terms

   Share your understanding of, and comfort with, quantitative terminology. In your own words, identify and define five quantitative research terms that stand out to you. Explain why your understanding of these terms furthered your comfort level with quantitative research.


Take a few minutes to watch the video Time Management Hack: Weekly Time Budget Sheet Big rocks are the important things in life. Illustrating the concept of a typically busy life with rocks and sand, many times we fill our jars to the top with sand and discover that we don’t have room for all … Read more

Nurse 353 Discussion Question

Considering today’s forces, trends, and issues that influence curriculum development and the changing demands in healthcare delivery, discuss how you think the nursing curricula needs to change in order to prepare nurse graduates for their future role as practicing nurses. Cite two current references (published within the last five years) to support your discussion. 

Sociology Dicussion

After watching Killing Us Softly 4, choose an ad from the media and apply some of the concepts, themes and theories from the lecture to the advertisement that you chose. NOTE: 2 paragraphs long, 6-9 sentences each.

Week 8 LDR 825 DQ 1 and 2

   Read EACH Students Response Provide THREE references to support your answer to the student I dont care of you use the same references to respond to all three students but each answer MUST have three PEER REVIEWED references to support your response on if you agree or dont agree with the students answer to … Read more

discussion post

 Discuss the definition of collaboration, best practices of collaboration between schools and families, best practices of collaboration among school personnel, and best practices of collaboration among schools and communities.  How might collaboration be important in the special education processes  


In response to two peers, address the following: Compare your analysis of the case to your peers’ viewpoints. In places where you disagree, offer a competing understanding of where the priorities lie. In areas where you agree, add additional evidence to support the consensus. Compare your disciplinary perspective to that of your peers. If you … Read more