news article

  Discussion Question: Pick any news article that on the surface is unrelated to health care and make a connection to health based on social or economic issues that if changed could influence health outcomes. APA format references 350 words

Blog: Innovative Informatics Tools and Applications to Clinical Practice

 New technology and tools will undoubtedly shape nursing practice.  “Research suggests that between 8% and 16% of nursing time is spent on non-nursing activities and tasks that should be delegated to others” (Robert, 2019). As a result, new innovations may minimize the time spent on these non-nursing activities and tasks to further support and strengthen … Read more

discuss 1

discuss:           The nursing profession has been famous for advocating since the very beginning. With Florence Nightingale advocated for a change of practices which impacted her patients and patient outcomes for many years to come (Sanford, 2012). The nursing profession has changed since then. Although nurses continue to be advocates for their patients, nurses … Read more


discuss:   During the latter half of the nineteenth century, as the demand for nurses increased, nursing began to take on the basic attributes of a profession. Two significant professional groups for nurses were formed in the 1890s: the American Society of Superintendents of Training Schools for Nurses, which was subsequently called the National League … Read more

nursing leader

 Describe the history of the nursing profession as advocates for health policy and the community; compare with one present day nursing leader in you are acquainted with that demonstrates these same attributes.  350 words APA references

nurse advocacy

 discuss: Patient or nurse advocacy is one of the professional nursing care practices that nursing organizations all over the globe promote as being important. Along with demonstrating the professional capacity of nursing, it contributes to the provision of excellent nursing care. Patient advocacy has expanded to include a broader variety of activities nowadays. For example, defending … Read more


  discuss: Nurses are known advocates for their patients and families. A critical trait of a good nurse is to advocate for change; whether it is a change in a hospital policy or change in the general practice of nursing in the country, nurses are at the forefront. Advocating for change on the local level … Read more

nursing leadership

  Assignment: 1. The current nursing culture and whether the bar for nursing leadership is set at the individual patient-nurse relationship or the community-nurse relationship. Give examples of each. Use at least three references to support your findings. 2. Review the DNP Essentials and the 2011 Institute of Medicine Future of Nursing Report for statements … Read more

advocating for health policy

  Discussion Question: What is the difference between advocating for health policy directly effecting patients and the community versus advocating for the profession of nursing? Should the nurse health policy advocate only one or the other? How do you imagine the public or legislators would view each set of issues? APA style references 350 words