
At this point you should have read, thought about, and listened to a sizeable amount of information about the systemic nature of gender-based violence and rape culture.  People often talk about GBV as a private, personal experience — one that stems from our interpersonal relationships and/or individual experience.  But as the readings and my lecture indicate, GBV is a … Read more


FOR THIS PARTICULAR THREAD, IF YOUR LAST NAME BEGINS WITH THE LETTERS A-M: Locate and post an advertisement that features a woman (or a woman’s body part, etc.)  OR references (overtly or subtly) LGBTQ+ folks.  Include a specific reading that you want to frame our discussion/analysis (see list below).   Tell us where you found the … Read more


For this post, I’d like you to do some googling and: 1) Find a cultural artifact (e.g.., an advertisement, short music video, meme, etc.) that represents some aspect of human sexuality.   Then, 2) Choose an article from this week that you want your peers to use as “lens”  to analyze the representation of sexuality in … Read more


1950s post-war life.   Some people see it as the epitome as the American Dream (e.g., the availability of jobs, new suburban housing, and an overall feeling of national prosperity), while others critique it for promoting rigid gender roles, mindless consumption, deepening racial divides and limiting economic opportunities for minorities. Either way, May’s historical analysis shows … Read more

week 2

For this particular thread,   please locate and post an advertisement that you think lends itself to a discussion/analysis of the ways in which women’s (and other) bodies are enlisted to promote the beauty ideal and corporate capitalism, consumption, etc.  Briefly tell us where you found the ad and who you think is its target … Read more


Podcast:  1A:   What Does Intersectionality Mean? (Links to an external site.) A recent and important conversation with Kimberle Crenshaw and others about the importance of using intersectionality to understand better violence directed at minority communities.   Paper Prompt:  What did you learn and/or find interesting about this documentary/film/podcast? How does it relate to and/or challenge some of … Read more


Using Lawrence Glickman’s text as your framework, I’d like you to spend some time thinking about the historical “roots” of consumption in the United States and answer the following questions: What did you learn about USA history and the various ways consumerism/consumption has shaped US society? What specific historical events in his chapter (e.g., the … Read more

week 1

Welcome to your first discussion post!  For this post, please: Briefly discuss your understanding (or lack thereof) of feminism BEFORE you joined this class, including where you learned about it (e.g., social media, family members, school, etc.) and THEN… Discuss what you’ve learned and/or found interesting, challenging, etc., in this week’s readings.   Use specific texts … Read more


You will create and analyze a photo project, thus conducting your own research for the final project. You will choose an Environmental Justice topic, whether it is a movement, an organization, or a current environmental disaster/harm. Along with the photos you will be asked to write a 3 – 4-page paper explaining what the photos … Read more

memo 9

Each Wednesday you will turn in a reflection memo, with your personal reactions to the course material. You should use this exercise as an opportunity to integrate course material with your own life and experiences, and for you to give me feedback on how the course is going for you. The content of the memos … Read more