External Economic Factors

 Select an economic trend from the Vistage report. What are your thoughts on the effect of this trend on the national economy? Find information from at least one outside source to provide new insights and information about the effect of this trend on the national economy. 

Deliverable 2 – Budget Shortfalls Deliverable 2 – Budget Shortfalls

Assignment Content Competency Employ contemporary economic principles that guide resource allocation decisions in health organizations. Student Success Criteria View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane. Scenario Upon reviewing the annual budget and fiscal standing of … Read more

Discussion Post

 Managerial Economics provides insight on how to make successful business decisions.  Please provide your favorite topics discussed and tell why.  How can you use the information covered in the next thirty days?  Include a minimum of one reference. 

Principles of Microeconomics

Is there someone that can assist me with this?   Critical Thinking Questions: Suppose you could buy shoes one at a time, rather than in pairs. What do you predict the cross-price elasticity for left shoes and right shoes would be? 2. Think back to a purchase that you made recently. How would you describe … Read more

Discussion Post

  Please read the article listed below and answer the following  questions: Article: Understanding the Impact of Transportation on Economic Development https://onlinepubs.trb.org/onlinepubs/millennium/00138.pdf How can the growth of intermodal transportation affect the product’s supply and demand?  Discuss the major points of the article.  How do transportation costs affect others?  Please be specific.  Discuss increases and decreases in … Read more

Analyzing Your Personal Finances

SCENARIO: Three months have passed since you created your first financial plan (i.e., the Unit 2 Touchstone). In that time, your budget has gone through some changes. The good news is that your income has increased because of your strong performance at work. However, health care and miscellaneous costs have gone up along with your … Read more

Assignment 3

Assignments:3 Learning Topics: Production and cost analysis in the short-run and long run (ch 5&6) -Describe The short run adjustment process -How Long-Run Adjustment in Perfectly Competitive Industry occur?

Economic issue Financning

 The best initiatives will never be implemented if they cannot find financing. As a health care leader and advocate, it is critical that you understand how initiatives are financed, as well as where you can look for financing to help get initiatives started.., delve into exploring financing options and resources as well as your role … Read more