Unit 33 Simulate

 You will analyze the three videos located in the Readings and Resources for this assignment to gain insight into best practices in early childhood education by responding to reflection questions. Watch the videos and respond to the reflection questions.  Videos:    https://youtu.be/nQixEKut8bM?si=nPaLpJijseLrupI_    https://youtu.be/acAJsiEKxzg?si=M98KOW3AbVURDxEi    https://youtu.be/B6qIa2CanBM?si=qLBYhDex9C9o1gGf

Using Standards to Create Goals

Standards to Create Goals Using the template provided you will select a content topic (e.g., Social Studies). You will search www.cpalms.org under a grade level and that subject to select three standards of your choice.  Based on the topic and three standards you will create three measurable goals for each of the standards using one … Read more


  Read the article by Gerber et al. (2004), and book chapters (Richards & Leafstedt, 2009) posted on Canvas under the heading “Teaching Small Intervention Groups”. Read the section on Core Intervention Model (CIM) from pp. 241-242 of the article and book chapter (chapter 6) and write a response. Your response might include information such … Read more

Family Structure

#1) Purpose: This assignment aims to identify and understand the different family structures and learn how to collaborate and communicate with them. Directions: Read the following article https://www.socialstudies.org/system/files/publications/articles/yl_3002173.pdf by Christina M. Tschida and Lisa Brown Buchanan Complete the 4 A’s Protocol attached.  #2) This assignment aims to demonstrate effective modeling and role-playing communication skills. Given … Read more


 Create a narrated slide deck that represents your data analysis a. Create a narrated slide deck (using PowerPoint, Google Slides, or Loom) to analyze your film by relating the data you collected to what you have been reading about in class so far. In this analysis, think about those questions that you answered as you … Read more

Simulated Field Experience

 You will analyze the three videos located in the Readings and Resources for this assignment to gain insight into best practices in early childhood education by responding to reflection questions. Watch the videos and respond to the reflection questions.  video 1  video 2 video 3

Rights and the ADA

After reading chapter 5, 6, and 14, listening to the https://soundcloud.com/adalive/episode-82-history-and-the-future-of-disability-rights-a-conversation-with-judy-heumann and selecting an article from the New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/us/disability-ADA-30-anniversary.html?campaign_id=9&emc=edit_nn_20200724&instance_id=20585&nl=the-morning&regi_id=126942757&segment_id=34251&te=1&user_id=c15461edca860849af3878373d1eadd5   answer 3 of the following questions.  Who are current influential individuals making an impact for individuals with disabilities? And what are they doing? How do human rights, disability rights, and civil rights relate to … Read more


Identify a problem space at your workplace. Decide what you want to study in the problem, why you want to study it, what you hope to find, who will benefit from the results, and how the results will benefit the stakeholders. What is the main research question that will guide your proposed study and what … Read more