
For the Section 4 Discussion Board, I would like you to go back to the pdf on Theme in the Section 1 folder.  After you have reacquainted yourself with the terminology discussed there, I would like you to select THREE of the stories from the readings in this section and discuss how the theme of … Read more

English 110 Discussion 5

INITIAL POST (due 9/25): Compare the grandmother’s understanding of God and belief to the Misfit’s understanding in “A Good Man Is Hard to Find.” Analyze specific passages (provide citations) in your response.  As a crutch, what does Hulga’s wooden leg symbolize in “Good Country People”? Discuss specific passages from the story (provide citations) in your … Read more


   A. Suggest a set of prototype features for one of the following conceptual categories: (p. 68) (2 points) draw up a list of possible members, including some marginal cases and ask another person to assign GOE ratings. Consider to what extent the ratings can be accounted for in terms of your suggested features. B. … Read more

Lit Analysis

  A requirement for all English II classes is to complete a literary  analysis. A literary analysis focuses on analyzing the  techniques that make a literary work effective, identifying them in the  books you read and write explaining what you’ve identified.  You will need to read The Red Convertible by Louise Erdrich (page 126)  and … Read more

Discussion post

Discuss the concept of stress in light of your family history and the article you read. Do modern lifestyles create more stress for you than in the past? How so? How do you create stress in your own life? How could you change the nature of our society to make it less stressful? It could be said … Read more


KINESICS: the study of body motion or body behavior. Emblems: gestures that have a direct verbal translation and can stand alone such as the “ok” sign. Illustrators: gestures that complement our words such as pointing when giving directions. Regulators: gestures that may prolong or terminate the conversation such as looking at your watch, walking away, or nodding and leaning … Read more

Family Guy 12

 Read the “Family Guy and Philosophy” excerpt of chapter 12 and answer the following questions. 1. Give one example each of inductive and deductive reasoning. 2. In what aspects of your life have you encountered examples of hasty generalization and ad hominem? No formal heading is necessary. Use 12 pt Times New Roman font, double … Read more


  For our first topic, we will write an example that incorporates all we have spent time discussing these past weeks.  An example begins with a general statement based on an opinion, a piece of advice, an observation to share. The then defends the statement  using anecdotal evidence and support for your statement.  Essentially, you … Read more