
Chapter 13 Global Corporate Citizenship Stakeholders & Public Policy Concerns: Ethics, AI, and Tech Coeckelbergh: AI & Responsibility: AI & Health Care: Ethics vs Compliance – (i.e., COVID response):


Fully read Chap. 12: Global Sustainability, plus the three articles listed on the syllabus at the links listed there. Then, respond to the following three questions: How do fossil fuel economies impact both our climate and our human well-being? What are the competitive advantages of business/organizations being environmentally aware and active? What are the 10 … Read more


Fully read Chap. 11: Ethically Engaging/Empowering Employees + the Michaelson and the  Nikova/Cnossen articles. Then, respond to the following three questions in each of three paragraphs: What are the specific benefits of fostering employee engagement in a workplace, and how do specific forms of organizational justice support this engagement. How do we support work teams … Read more


After completing your Chap. 5 reading and other readings listed on the syllabus, focus your thinking on business integrity, supporting ethical employee decision-making, codes of ethics, and codes of conduct. Then, respond to the following two questions using your knowledge from these readings.  1.     What specifically do organizations need in order to create and develop … Read more

Accounting Ethics

Professional Code of Conduct: AICPA Code of Professional Conducts Discuss the purpose of AICPA Code of Professional Conducts Under what circumstances may ethical conflicts in the public practice arise? What steps does AICPA Code of Professional Conducts suggest when ethical conflicts arise?  Summarize each of 6 Principles of AICPA Code of Professional Conducts.- Discuss how … Read more


After reading Ch. 3 in the Collins/Kanashiro text, Gansan’s assigned Ch. 2 & 3, and the Barbosa & de Oliveira (2021) article (link on syllabus) … respond to one of the following questions with 2 full analytical paragraphs of solid arguments to support your discussion. We will use these questions to inform our discussions in … Read more


Based on each of your C&K and Ganesan text readings( Chap. 2: Evolution of Business Ethics Coeckelbergh: pp. 1-29), detail your comparison of Adam Smith’s ethics of capitalism with current general U.S. employment and labor issues. How does the promise of AI potentially intersect with these issues?  How does the Ethical Systems Model create a … Read more


Based on each of your C&K and Ganesan text readings( Chap. 2: Evolution of Business Ethics Coeckelbergh: pp. 1-29), detail your comparison of Adam Smith’s ethics of capitalism with current general U.S. employment and labor issues. How does the promise of AI potentially intersect with these issues?  How does the Ethical Systems Model create a … Read more

Case proposal

use the news write a proposal. import key point**** *what SEC charged, violation GAAP?, unregistered securities,  Ponzi Schemes

Case proposal and PowerPonit

1. write the Case proposal about news Introduction: *Identify 2-5 key problems (unregistered securities,  Ponzi payments) Context and Background: *SEC, violation GAAP? 2. After Write the case proposal, create the PowerPonit for the presentation.