Assessment 4 Instructions: Partnerships

  Complete two exercises in accounting for the equity of a pass-through entity, such as an LLC, limited partnership, or general partnership structure. Introduction The partnership form of business ownership is quite popular. One reason is that partnerships are easy to create the double taxation inherent in corporate ownership can be avoided. However, the unlimited … Read more


  This week you’re learning some of the characteristics that will help you practice your relationship-building skill (trust, mutual respect, mindfulness, diversity and inclusion, and open communication).  Choose at least one characteristic Discuss how you are applying your chosen characteristic(s) in your life right now at home, work, or school.

Assessment 3: Foreign Currency

  Complete two exercises in accounting for foreign currency transactions and translating financial statements from a foreign currency into U.S. dollars. Introduction In today’s global economy, many companies conduct business in currencies other than the currency in which they report. Goods are often imported or exported with prices stated in a foreign currency. For the … Read more

Assessment 1 Instructions: Tax Basics

Analyze official rules and instructions to determine an individual’s tax liability and complete a basic tax return.Note: Completing a tax return requires specific steps that need to be executed in a sequence. The assessments in this course are presented in a sequence and must be completed in order. Incorrect entries in this assessment will result … Read more

Assessment 5 Instructions: Deferred Assets and Liabilities

  Complete a four-part assessment in which you will compute values, prepare journal entries, and provide written explanations. IntroductionNote: An accounting cycle requires specific steps that need to be executed in a sequence. The assessments in this course are presented in sequence and must be completed in order. Companies must present financial information to the … Read more

Assessment 4: Liabilities, Owners Equity, Warranty Expense Estimates, and Issuance of Securities

  Complete an assessment with two main sections, which address (1) liability and owner’s equity and (2) warranty expense and issuance of securities. Introduction Note: An accounting cycle requires specific steps that need to be executed in a sequence. The assessments in this course are presented in sequence and must be completed in order. Competencies … Read more


 Week 6 Discussion Think of a time when effective or ineffective communication affected your success at home, school, or work. Describe what happened.  Then, explain how strong communication contributed to or could have improved the situation’s outcome. Be specific.


  You are required to create a portfolio of 4 stocks with an initial investment of $1,000,000 and track the weekly progress during the term. The spreadsheet should be updated with the Friday closing prices. The spreadsheet and the directions for completing will be posted in class. You will be required to write a six-page … Read more


  During job interviews, potential employers often ask candidates to describe a time where they have demonstrated their initiative and/or results-driven skills. This week, you’ll have a chance to practice.   Describe a time at work, home, or school where there was a problem and you took the initiative to solve that problem and to seek … Read more