The Adia Development Group

The Mission   The Adia Development Group is on a mission to become a leading developer in the commercial and residential real estate industry. Our goal is to bridge the gap within the current housing crisis by acquiring a portfolio of affordable residential and multi-family properties while overseeing management for the fixed income and Veteran tenants … Read more

SPT 512 – Module Five

Instructions You work for the town recreation department and need to develop an instructional program (of interest to you) to offer to the community. Outline the reasons why you chose your delivery method, each session’s objectives, and the overall objective for the program. Also, present a tool to evaluate the program (e.g., a survey). Your … Read more

The hansei process

   The hansei process occurs constantly and consistently. At Toyota, for example, even if a project is successful, there is still a hansei-kai (reflection meeting) to review what went wrong. According to Jeffrey Liker, author of The Toyota Way, if a manager or engineer claims that there were not any problems with the project, he … Read more

Health Care Finance

  As a health care manager, you must be able to analyze financial and economic issues in the health care industry. In this assignment, you will demonstrate problem-solving skills as you choose an issue and address the financial impact in your analysis. Preparing for the Assignment: Select 1 current financial or economic issue in the … Read more

Situational Analysis

Develop the Situational Analysis for the Complete Marketing Plan. Customer characteristics/Market Demographics, Market needs, SWOT analysis. Submission Instructions: The paper is to be clear and concise and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation, and misspelling. The paper does not have a length requirement. Current APA style. No references required.

Stereotyping and Social identity

 Professional Assignments Case study assignments should be formatted in accordance with the most current APA edition. The paper should be 2-3 content pages in length (excluding the cover page and reference page). The inclusion of properly formatted headings and sub-headings as well as citations and corresponding references based on the assigned readings is required for … Read more

SPT 512 – Module 4 – Group Assignment

Select the sport organization you want to analyze. Then start working on the content for Milestone One, which is due in Module Four. This includes a detailed SWOT analysis and the following: Introduction Mission statement/philosophy/goals of organization Products and services offered: History of the organization, including past successes and failures: Current conditions/situation: Goals, objectives, and … Read more

MBA 699 – Module 4

  Overview You are a business development manager for a life sciences organization in the Midwest that has recently found great success through their new cancer treatment drugs. You are part of the team that is planning your organization’s exit strategy, as the owners want to sell the business. As you continue to gather and … Read more