W vs K

  Do you agree that wisdom/critical thinking is a better predictor of well-being than intelligence? To answer, you will have to define what the following terms mean for you: Critical thinking Wisdom Intelligence Well-being Reflect on what you read in the text this week. Think of the people you know. Are the good people smart? … Read more

America and Terrorism

  Oklahoma City Bombing 9/11 Bombing of the World Trade Centers Boston Marathon Bombings   Explain if you think that global terrorism can be stopped. Analyze the responsibility of the United States today to be the world’s “policeman.” Assess if peace and stability in the Middle East are vital to U.S. economy and national security. If … Read more


  Identify and elaborate on one or two lessons you have learned from our study of United States history that affect you today in your daily life and/or work. Provide advice to the next group of students who will be taking this course. How has this course affected you today in your daily life and/or … Read more

Cold War

  Anti-Communist Freedom Fighters Strategic Defense Initiative (nicknamed “Star Wars”) Vietnam (conflict) War   Explain how each of your choices was an effective policy to thwart international communist expansion. Based on your selections, analyze if the United States should have feared international communist subversion during the Cold War era (1945-1991).

World War 1

  To hone your abilities to research using scholarly sources To advance critical thinking and writing skills To compile a response to the prompts provided To explore a historical topic and make connections to change over time   Trace the origins of World War I, and assess if the world war was inevitable in 1914? … Read more

World history

  response comparing the three (3) Reconstruction plans: Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction (10% Plan) – Lincoln Andrew Johnson’s Reconstruction Plan Congressional Reconstruction Plan (Congress)   Analyze if the South should have been treated as a defeated nation or as rebellious states. Explain how the American culture and society changed in the North versus the … Read more

History World

  The Compromise of 1850 The Fugitive Slave Law 1850 Uncle Tom’s Cabin 1852   Based on the historical facts given in this module, assess if the American Civil War was inevitable. Analyze if the United States Supreme Court can settle legal and moral issues through judiciary review. In your response, provide a documented example … Read more

The American Revolution

 of the leading causes of the American Revolution.    The Stamp Act The Boston Massacre   Analyze the cause and effect of two acts passed by the British Parliament on British North America. Which of your two selections do you consider the most significant and why? Examine and explain the significance of the Declaration of … Read more

confederation and Constitution

  issues of the Articles of Confederation and describe the main problems that the United States was faced with under the Federation government. Analyze two major debates by which the Constitution was created in the summer of 1787   Discuss the ratification process of the Constitution of 1787. How did ratification lead to the formation … Read more