dp 5-2

Choose a chronic illness and outline the behavioral and biological risk factors associated with that illness. How might health professionals help those living with a chronic illness cope? Chronic illnesses like HIV/AIDS may have a stigma associated with them. Explain the biological, psychological, social, and cultural impact of HIV/AIDS and how these have changed over … Read more


With the increased demand for health informatics professionals, it is important to understand the skills set that are needed in this profession.  What unique skill set(s) are needed to work in this evolving field? What are some potential ways to advance in this field? Why is this position important? How can this position assist in … Read more

dp 4-1

What are some of the factors that determine health behaviors? Identify a health behavior that you struggle to perform? Which theory of health behavior change best relates to your inability to achieve this healthy behavior?


  you are going to participate in a discussion on a novel or movie.  Please choose one of the stories below and read the novel or watch the movie.  You’ll participate in the discussion thread below related to the story you choose.  Fault in Our Stars novel by Green (2012) or Fault in Our Stars … Read more


The State HIE Cooperative Agreement Program grantees are required to monitor and track statewide implementation, adoption, and transactions of exchange mechanisms that they implement directly or enable through funding, technical assistance, marketplaces, etc. to support the meaningful use of health information technology. Research the current state of HIE across the United States through the State HIE … Read more

dp 2-1

What is a question that researchers in health psychology might want answered about the function of three of the biological systems? You may choose from the cardiovascular, digestive, respiratory, endocrine, digestive, immune or reproductive systems. Explain the role of the three systems that you chose.


Discuss how the United States healthcare system has advanced in technology and how health informatics evolved from being a concept to becoming a discipline or specialty. Emphasize the importance of the formation of professional organizations and educational programs in advancing health informatics as a field. As you begin to conduct research, explore (and cite in your … Read more


  Reflective Discussion 1 . Why do we need theory in Public Administration? Discuss what theory is and how and why we use it. Identify at least 2 theorists and their theoretical perspective.  Comment on what they have to say.  Do you agree or disagree and why. Discuss the role on public administration in the … Read more

best stroke rehabilitation centers in india

 Seha Garden International Hospital is one of the best Stroke Rehabilitation Centre in Kochi, Kerala. We provides the right mixture of care and supervision for the rehabilitation of patients suffering from stroke. By combining ayurveda, physiotherapy and yoga, Seha Garden provides the best ayurvedic treatment for stroke in Kerala. https://sehagarden.com/stroke-rehabilitation-hospital-kerala-india/

– Staffing

Health care faces critical staffing shortages. Imagine you are part of the executive management team researching health care shortages. Outline some of the staffing shortages in the market where you live. Are they consistent with national trends? Design a strategy that describes how your organization would alleviate some staffing shortages, including whether you would hire … Read more

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