Legal Reporting in Health Care

2 paragraphs include references  The incident reporting system can have many limitations. Read this article and discuss two of the limitations, including what should be done to correct them: What To Do With Healthcare Incident Reporting Systems [PDF]Links to an external site.. Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.

Patient Communication Strategies

Identify two specific marketing communication strategies you believe are most effective for use between health care organizations and their patients. Provide rationale to support your choice of strategies. Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.

ip 4 and ip 5

Established in 1987, ABC Community Hospital not-for-profit is an acute care hospital located in an east coast Metropolitan area. With a staff of nearly 200 physicians and specialists, 800 employees and 100 volunteers, they offer a full range of healthcare services. They are accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations. The hospital has … Read more

Professional Legal Issues With Medical and Nursing Professionals

2 paragraph include references  Analyze the major professional roles played by physicians and nurses as they apply to physicians’ conduct in the medical arena and to nurses in the role of adjuncts to physicians. Next, evaluate the degree and quality of care that physicians, nurses, and medical technologists provide in their primary roles, including, but … Read more

Unit 3 IP: Health Information Systems Technology and Applications

 Description –  Deliverable Length: 6–8 slides  NOTE: Cite at least 2 scholarly references published within the last 5 years.  As the manager of the CTU Health Care Information Systems Department, you realize the need for seamless integration among all operating systems of the departments within the healthcare organization (HCO). Discuss the importance of electronic health … Read more

SWOT or Not?

  Think back to the article, Are Your Company’s Strengths Really Weaknesses? Think specifically about the SWOT analysis, and consider how it may or may not be used within a marketing related role in a health care organization. Then, answer the following: How could SWOT analysis be used in health care marketing? Explain your answer … Read more

Antitrust in Health Care

2 paragraphs include reference SWS format  Enforcement of antitrust is essential. Price fixing and fraud in the health care system has resulted in higher costs for care since the actual cost for services is adjusted for this fraudulent activity. Read this article and discuss the role of the DOJ in enforcement of antitrust: Healthcare Antitrust … Read more


 The COVID-19 pandemic underscored the opportunity, and importance, of the health informatics discipline demonstrated by the widespread utilization of health informatics applications, especially eHealth, telehealth, and telemedicine. Discuss any eHealth/Telehealth/Telemedicine application you may have used during the COVID-19 pandemic to access/provide healthcare services. What was your experience of using it and how would you compare … Read more

Course Reflection

Discuss something you learned about HR in health care organizations that is of particular interest to you and explain why. Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.

Help me fire her!

2 paragraph include reference  Imagine that Alice has been employed as a hospital admitting representative for six years. She has consistently received good performance evaluations. However, over the course of the past three months, her manager has received complaints from patients that she has been rude and unprofessional. Her manager has told HR that she … Read more