
1 Page(s),275 Words Double Space, 0 Sources, Undergraduate, MLA, History due in 1 hour 30 minutes SECOND WESTERN CIVILIZATION BLACKBOARD TEST Test based on reading Chapter 2 in our class textbook, “Western Civilizations: Their History and Their Culture, Volume 1,” “Gods and Empires in the Ancient Near East, 1700 – 500 B.C.E.”  Class lectures and … Read more

Unit 7 DB: International Trade ONE PAGE/275 WORDS ONE SOURCE Economics

1 Page(s),275 Words Double Space, 1 Sources, Undergraduate, APA, Economics   Unit 7 DB: International Trade The U.S. economy relies heavily on international trade. Choose two transactions at random that result from international trade; one where purchases are made from another country and one where the U.S. sends a product to another country. Identify the … Read more

2 pages/550 words

 due in 5 hours  Statistical quality control  use the files below Double Space,Undergraduate,  MLA format , Statistics  The required doc needed statistical quality analysis based off of charts and process capability and process stability charts as mentioned in the instruction doc. Also needed histograms based on the data and not a pie chart    There should be graph … Read more